İstanbul Sağlık ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Kurumsal Akademik Arşivi

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Güncel Gönderiler

Investigation of the effectiveness of short-term grief-focused group intervention for 1st degree losses in earthquake
(Elsevier, 2025) Bal, Fatih; Filazoğlu Çokluk, Gülşen; Savaş, Esra
A considerable number of individuals who lost family members in the 2023 earthquake in Hatay province, Turkey, have been found to experience a range of psychosocial problems and disorders. In this randomised controlled trial, the efficacy of grief-focused group therapy was compared with that of a control group that did not receive any treatment. A total of 10 Turkish adults were randomly assigned to the group therapy group. The participants were evaluated at the outset of the study and at its conclusion in order to ascertain any changes in psychological resilience (Psychological Resilience Scale for Adults), grief symptoms (Grief Scale), and cognitive flexibility (Cognitive Flexibility Inventory). The results of the study are as follows: The results demonstrated that grief-focused group therapy was an effective intervention for reducing grief symptoms and enhancing psychological resilience and cognitive flexibility. A brief grief-focused group intervention has been demonstrated to be an efficacious intervention for earthquake survivors. The brief grief-focused group intervention proved more efficacious than the control condition in enhancing psychological resilience and cognitive flexibility, while concurrently attenuating grief symptoms, among adults who lost first-degree family members in the earthquake. Overall, the Grief Recovery Focused Group Therapy Program yielded a favourable impact on alpha, beta, and gamma scores in the experimental group, while exhibiting no discernible effect on delta and theta scores.
The use and efficacy of an innovative virtual reality application in teaching the mechanism of labor: A randomized controlled trial
(Elsevier, 2025) Hüseyinoğlu, Sebahat; Yazıcı, Saadet
Background: In practice, the comprehensibility of physiological events necessitates adequate visu alization. VR can provide a comprehensive learning environment that enhances the understanding of mechanisms and anatomical structures’ three-dimensional relationships, which are difficult to observe from the outside. Nonetheless, evidence supporting its use in midwifery education is scant in the litera ture. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the ’Virtual Reality Technology Labor Mechanism Application (VRT-LMA)’ developed for teaching the cardinal movements of the baby during the first and second stages of birth in midwifery education. Methods: The study was conducted in a single-blind, randomized manner. Sixty-one midwifery students taking childbirth courses were divided into experimental (n = 30) and control (n = 31) groups. The experimental group received VRT-LMA, the control group received traditional training. After six weeks, both groups were given a posttest. Results: The post-test score of the experimental group was statistically significant compared to the control group (p < .05). Conclusion: VRT-LMA training helped increase students’ knowledge levels and aided in the retention of information. It will be suitable for supplementing traditional teaching methods.
Reply to the letter to the editor: 'Coronary atherosclerosis burden and coronary artery tortuosity'
(Kare Publishing, 2025) Özyaşar, Mehmet; Doğduş, Mustafa; Yılmaz, Ahmet; Altıntaş, Mehmet Sait; Yetkin, Ertan
To the Editor, First, we would like to thank the author1 and the editorial team for their attention to and interest in our work. We deeply value your constructive criticism and contributions, which we see as an opportunity for further improvement. Collateral circulation plays a significant role in the prognosis of coronary artery disease.2 We acknowledge the importance of considering the effect of collateral circulation when calculating Gensini scores.3 In our retrospective study, while evaluating cases of chronic coronary syndrome that underwent coronary angiography, the coronary collateral flow assessment (Rentrop) score (3) was 0 in all cases. However, we accept that this detail should have been clarified more explicitly in our article. Our study aimed to minimize confounding factors as much as possible to realistically examine the relationship between coronary artery tortuosity and coronary atherosclerosis. While we acknowledged in the limitations section of our study that this might introduce a potential bias in patient selection,4 we accept that it would have been beneficial to explicitly state that we sought to eliminate the effect of collateral circulation. One of the key strengths of our study is the large patient cohort, along with the meticulous exclusion of other confounding factors. In conclusion, while recognizing the importance of collateral circulation, we believe that our study provides important information about the relationship between coronary artery tortuosity and atherosclerotic plaque burden. We hope this research contributes to a deeper understanding of coronary artery disease and offers a new perspective for future studies.
New insights of cerium oxide nanoparticles in head and neck cancer treatment
(Springer Nature, 2025) Tarakçı, Elif; Esmkhani, Sahra; Bayramova, Jamila; Bilgin, Feride Melisa; Kıdık, Kübra; Adıgüzel, Şevin; Tufan, Yiğithan; Yılmaz, Ahsen Morva; Yazıcı, Hülya; Duygulu, Özgür
Head and neck cancer (HNC) is a genetically complex cancer type having treatment difficulties due to affecting multiple organs in complex anatomical sites. Radiotherapy resistance, chemotoxicity, post-surgery disability makes HNC treatment more complicated. Therefore, there is need to developed new treatment approaches. Nanoparticle-based therapies especially cerium oxide nanoparticles with its anti-cancer features, high catalytic activity, anti- or pro-oxidant and radio-protective properties give a boon for HNC treatment. In the current study, two dextran-coated cerium oxide nanoparticles (Dex-CeNPs) namely SD1 and SD2 were synthesized and characterized by using two types of dextran (D1 and D2) having distinct molecular weights and branching characteristics to understand their potential as a new HNC treatment strategy while evaluating the role of dextran type. The effectivity of the SD1 and SD2 on the HNC cell lines (A253, SCC-25, FaDu) were investigated by analyzing their cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation properties. Low IC50 value, high ROS generation and stability profiling of SD2 compared to SD1 indicates the distinct function of dextran type on Dex-CeNPs effectivity on HNC. To better elucidate the effectivity of SD2, flow cytometry analysis and pro-apoptotic (TP53, CASP3, BAX) and anti-apoptotic (Bcl-2) gene expression profiling were investigated in detail. The findings indicate that SD2 exhibits an influence on head and neck cancer cells via the apoptotic pathway. Our research sets the framework for the development of Dex-CeNPs as remarkable nanotherapeutic candidates for treatment of head and neck cancer.
Can mineral water be a safe alternative in sports parameters and sustainable health to energy and sports drinks for adolescent athletes?
(Kızılay Culture and Arts Publications, 2024) Mor, Ömer; Öz, Ece; Bakdım, Kürşat; Günalan, Elif
Energy and sports drinks (ESDs) are frequently consumed for improved hy dration and sports performance by athletes in various branches, including fencing, road cycling, football, tennis, handball, and rugby. Statista Con sumer Market Insights data declared that the global revenue of the ener gy and sports drinks (ESDs) industry was 195,74 billion U.S. dollars in 2023. Moreover, the total revenue was projected to increase by 24.05% between 2024 and 2029 (1). However, the ESD consumption routine may become a health concern in the future, particularly in adolescent athletes. Excessive consumption of ESDs is related to dental erosion, tooth decay, obesity, type II diabetes, and several chronic disorders due to their high sugar content and low pH levels. Therefore, alternative solutions with high pH levels, sufficient minerals, and low sugar content must be found. This review discusses the effect of natural mineral waters (NMWs) on sports parameters and sustain able health compared to ESDs for adolescent athletes. In this context, relat ed publications in the last 30 years have been obtained from Google Scholar, Scopus, and PubMed databases. Scientific literature was evaluated in terms of sports parameters, dental health, and risk of chronic disease development. Firstly, NMWs can contribute to rehydration, improved acid-base balance, and relieving muscle fatigue post-exercise. However, more evidence is re quired to impact performance directly. Secondly, NMWs with high pH and fluoride content may be safer for dental health than ESDs. Lastly, the con sumption of non-sweetened NMWs does not result in obesity, but it may cause hypertension and urological diseases. In conclusion, consumption of ESDs or NMWs alone is insufficient for sports performance and sustainable health. Therefore, the effects of combined consumption of ESDs and NMWs on adolescent athletes should be investigated in the future, and their optimal consumption amounts for sustainable health should be determined.