Kurt, EsraKlont, EdizErgün, ÖzerKlont, Ronald2022-02-252022-02-252021Kurt, E., Klont, E., Ergün, Ö. & Klont, R. (2021). White paper cell cultured meat. Austin Food Sciences, 6(1), pp. 1-6.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13055/159FAO forecasts that the global meat production needs to increase by 50% to provide quality protein for the ten billion people living on planet earth by 2050. Meat fits in a healthy diet and is a good source of essential proteins, B-vitamins and several minerals (i.e. selenium and iron). A growing world population will require in 2050 about twice more food, produced on twice less arable land. Good digestible proteins may be a limiting factor in the future. Meat production is seen as less sustainable with negatives impacts on animal welfare. There is a search for alternative proteins to replace part of the animal proteins that are currently used in abundance in the diet of most developed and affluent countries.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCultured MeatProteinStem CellWhite paper cell cultured meatArticle6116