Ünverdi, BüşraGülcan Çakmak, BetülErden Çınar, SevalTürkçapar, Mehmet Hakan2022-03-042022-03-042021Ünverdi, B., Gülcan Çakmak, B. & Erden Çınar, S. (2021). Turkish adaptation of the satisfaction with therapy and therapist scale-r (STTS-R). In M. H. Türkçapar (Eds.). 3. Uluslararası İstanbul ACT Günleri Kongresi. (pp. 25). Bayt Bilimsel Araştırmalarhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13055/190Introduction and Purpose: Satisfaction with therapy and therapist is a factor that is responsible for therapeutic effectiveness (Oei & Shuttlewood, 1996). Client satisfaction with the therapy and therapist is important as it affects clients’ improvements in the therapy, treatment seeking behaviors, and decisions regarding therapy to recommend to other people (Boudreaux, Ary, Mandry & McCabe, 2000; Hasler et al., 2004). The purpose of the present study was to adapt the Satisfaction with Therapy and Therapist Scale-Revised (STTS-R) for the Turkish context. Since there is no appropriate measurement tool for these constructs in the Turkish context, this study aimed to contribute to the literature. Method: Sample included 224 adults who have received psychotherapy/ counseling or completed at least the third session of psychotherapy/ counseling. A demographic form, STTS-R, Working Alliance Inventory (WAI)-Short Form, and Insight Scale were used to collect data. STTS-R originally has two factors as satisfaction with therapy (six items) and satisfaction with the therapist (six items), and a global improvement scale (one item). It has a total of 13 items (Oei & Green, 2008). Results: Exploratory factor analysis revealed one factor; “satisfaction with therapy”. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to verify this one-factor model; according to the results, x2 = 3.03, SRMR = .05, TLI = .90, CFI = .92. RMSEA value was .09, which is acceptable considering the small sample size and df (Kenny et al, 2015). The Cronbach’s alpha was .92, test re-test reliability was .92, and the Guttman Split-Half Coefficient was found as r = .86, p < .05 for the total scale. To test the concurrent validity, scores of the WAI, Insight Scale, and the STTS–R were correlated. Correlations were significant and between 0.22-0.84. Discussion and Conclusion: Turkish adaptation of the STTS-R had one factor with 13 items, which was named as “satisfaction with the therapy”. In our culture, clients did not differentiate satisfaction with therapy from satisfaction with the therapist; they think if the therapy is effective, the therapist is also effective, and vice versa. Overall, results revealed significant cues regarding the perception of the therapy and therapist in the Turkish context.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPsychotherapyPatient SatisfactionTurkish adaptation of the satisfaction with therapy and therapist scale-r (STTS-R)Conference Object2525