Günalan, ElifYılmaz, BayramGemici, Burcu2021-12-132021-12-132021Günalan, E., Yılmaz, B., & Gemici, B. (2021). Fat Restriction At Various Developmental Periods Cause Different Modulations On The Lingual Fatty Acid Binding Proteins. Metabolism, 116, pp. 58-58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.metabol.2020.154610https://doi.org/10.1016/j.metabol.2020.154610https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13055/82Background: The origin of food preferences can be associated withearly food experience and lingual fatty taste receptors have a vitalrole in fat sensation. Objective: To determine the effect of fatrestriction during maternal and/or maturation periods on oro-sensoral perception of fats, fatty taste preference and expression ofCD36 and GPR120 in circumvallate papillae of male offspringSprague Dawley rats. Methods: In our study, rats were exposed tocontrol diet (C)(13% energy-from-fat) and low-fat diet (LFD)(3%energy-from-fat) during the gestation- lactation (21 days-21 day)and maturation (120 days) periods. Experimental groups were C/C(n=6), C/LFD (n=8), LFD/C (n=6) and LFD/LFD (n=8). Animalweight, energy and fat intake of the offsprings were followed duringthe study. The fat perception of the rats were measured bybehavioral tests. The plasma insulin and leptin levels weredetermined with ELISA. Blood glucose and triglyceride levels weremeasured by metabolic analyzer. The protein and mRNA expressionsof CD36 and GPR120 in the circumvallate papillae were determinedby western blotting, immunofluorescence, and RT-PCR. Results: Thisstudy has demonstrated that C/LFD group rats have significantlyincreased preference to 2% rapeseed oil solution than C/C group(pb0.05). Consistently, lingual CD36 and GPR120 expressions aresignificantly lower in C/LFD group (pb0.05). In addition, LFDadministration during maternal period in LFD/C and LFD/LFD groupscaused to significantly increased expression of lingual CD36 andGPR120 (pb0.05). Conclusion: This study has been contributed toidentify the developmental dysregulations of the oro-sensoralsignaling pathways and abnormal fatty taste perception.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessCD36Developmental Programming Fat RestrictionGPR120Maternal DietFat restriction at various developmental periods cause different modulations on the lingual fatty acid binding proteinsConference Object10.1016/j.metabol.2020.1546101165858Q1WOS:000614658000144