Ağız, Diş ve Çene Cerrahisi Ana Bilim Dalı Koleksiyonu

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  • Yayın
    The effect of implant position, thread design and tilting on marginal bone resorption in tilted implant system
    (Ağız ve Çene Yüz Cerrahisi Birliği Derneği, 2024) Aktürk, Hüsna; Çapkat, Ulviye; Bilgi Özyetim, Esra; Dayan, Süleyman Çağatay; Geçkili, Onur; Ramazanoğlu, Mustafa
    The all-on-four system utilizes 2 parallel anterior implants and 2 distally tilted posterior implants between mental foramina on mandible, between maxillar sinuses on maxilla with an immediately loaded temporary fixed prosthesis. Purpose of this study is evaluating the effect of implant position, thread design and tilting on marginal bone resorption after tilted implant surgery similar to the all-on-four system. 17 patient recieved 92 implants with 2 different forms (level, rapid). Radiographic assessment of marginal bone level change was performed at 1 year follow-up period. The differences between marginal bone resorption for implant position, thread design and tilting degree were analyzed with the Mann Whitney U test. The value p = 0.05 was considered as the level of significance. Total marginal bone level was, on average, 0.2994mm (SD=0.80026) for mandible, 0.3992mm (SD=0.43636) for maxilla, 0.4377mm (SD=0.82100) for tilted implants, 0.2682mm (SD=0.41187) for axial implants, 0.3785mm (SD=0.70581) for level form implants, 0.2789mm (SD=0.46179) for rapid form implants. Mean bone loss was significantly higher in the tilted implants. There is no significant difference found in marginal bone loss between the maxilla-mandible and different threaded implant forms.
  • Yayın
    Evaluation of the intraoperative and postoperative complications of orthognathic surgery
    (Atatürk University, 2024) Tokuç, Berkay; Memiş, Sadi; Ankaralı, Deniz Akın; Hoşgör, Hatice; Coşkunses, Fatih Mehmet
    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of preoperative and postoperative complications in patients undergoing orthognathic surgery. Methods: The clinical records and radiographs of 112 patients who undergone orthognathic surgery between 2014 and 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients’ demographics, follow-up period, type of malocclusion and operation were recorded. All surgical complications were evaluated into two groups as intraoperative or postoperative complications. Results: The mean age of 112 patients (69 female, 43 male) was 24.4 ± 5.5 (ranging from 16 to 47). The most frequent intraoperative complication was the bad split (5 cases, 4.5%), followed by severe hemorrhage due to rupture of facial artery (1 case, 0.9%), dissection of inferior alveolar nerve (1 case, 0.9%), and dental damage (1 case, 0.9%). The most common postoperative complication was the neurosensorial deficit (29 cases, 25.9%), followed by infection (6 cases, 5.4%), extraoral scar formation (5 cases, 4.5%), fracture of fixation material (2 cases, 1.8%), maxillary non-union (2 cases, 1.8%), postoperative nasal hemorrhage (1 case, 0.9%), and failure of fixation material (1 case, 0.9%). There were no fatal complications. Conclusion: Although the wide range of complications related to orthognathic surgery is reported both in our study and the literature, the frequency of these appears to be uncommon. However, in order to manage the complications of the operation properly, through knowledge and experience are essential.
  • Yayın
    The influence of health behavior on immediate loading implant success and patient satisfaction in the complete edentulous treatment
    (PNG Publications, 2023) Aslan, Muzaffer
    Objective: The cases of edentulous treatment are increasing in Turkey. The patients are less satisfied with the health care facilities of the public sector health institutes. The government of Turkey is facing critical challenges for medical reforms in the public sector to improve the living standards of the public. The objective of current research is to determine the influence of health behavior on immediate loading implant success and patient satisfaction in complete edentulous treatment. Method: A Likert scale questionnaire is employed and the response rate of this research is 71%. The population of this research is the patients visiting different clinics for edentulous treatment and loading implant success. Results: The research findings demonstrate the satisfaction of the patients and implant success is influenced by the health behavior of patients. Conclusion: The model of this research is enrichment in the knowledge of the edentulous treatment of the patients. The practical implications of this research are outstanding to influence the satisfaction of the edentulous treatment patients who are getting the treatment of loading implant success. The research has certain limitations that are straightforwardly presented with future directions to enrich the knowledge of edentulous treatment by the research work of scholars in health care.
  • Yayın
    Psychological and social effects of tooth loss
    (2022) Aslan, Muzaffer
    A beautiful smile is a window to society and an important factor for a healthy life. It also creates a positive self-image for the personality. Tooth loss is a very traumatic and distressing experience psychologically. This situation is accepted as a serious event that creates important psychological problems in human life. Patients experience both physical and emotional deprivation following the loss of one or more teeth, which reduces their quality of life. The aim of this study was to investigate the patient's desire, necessity and awareness for the restoration of missing teeth. In the study, a questionnaire including questions about the physical, emotional and aesthetic effects of edentulism was applied to 200 patients of both sexes. The collected data were interpreted together with their reasons. In our analysis, there were physical and emotional complaints related to missing teeth in most of our patients. However, those with missing teeth in the anterior region showed higher psychological and social disability scores, while those with missing teeth in the posterior region showed higher physical complaints and functional deficit scores. As a result, anterior tooth loss has a far-reaching impact on both emotional and overall dental health. Anterior tooth restoration should be given priority when planning treatment. Therefore, when evaluating the restoration of missing teeth during the examination, the position of these missing teeth in the mouth should also be taken into account.
  • Yayın
    Transoral robotik cerrahi
    (Ekin Yayınevi, 2022) Aslan, Muzaffer
    Geleneksel agresif cerrahi yaklaşımlara kıyasla minimal invaziv yaklaşımlar cerrahi pratikte en son teknolojidir ve tıp alanında giderek daha fazla kullanım alanı bulmaktadır. Son yirmi yılda dokuların korunması ve fonksiyonel / estetik sonuçların iyileştirilmesi amacıyla minimal invazyon sürekli olarak geliştirilmiştir. Yaygın olarak kullanılan laporoskopik tekniklerin yanı sıra minimal invazyon alanındaki son gelişmeler arasında, lazer mikrocerrahi ve robotik cerrahi yer almaktadır. Robotik cerrahi, sadece karın cerrahisi, üroloji, ortopedi, radyocerrahi, girişimsel radyoterapi, kalp cerrahisi ve beyin cerrahisinde değil, aynı zamanda ağız yoluyla bazı farklı bölgelere ulaşarak (hipofarenks, orofarenks ve nazofarenks, parafaringeal boşluk, gırtlak ve kafa tabanı) bu bölgelerdeki çeşitli tümörlerin tedavisi için onkolojide popüler hale gelmiştir.
  • Yayın
    Zigomatik implantlar
    (Ekin Yayınevi, 2022) Aslan, Muzaffer
    Zigomatik implantlar atrofik maksillada immediat yükleme imkanı veren, tedavi süresini kısaltan, maliyetleri düşüren ve hasta memnuniyetini arttıran öngörülebilir bir tedavi seçeneğidir. Ancak olası komplikasyonları önlemek ve gelişirse çözebilmek için yüksek seviyede cerrahi beceri ve tecrübe gerektirir.
  • Yayın
    Dental implantlarda hemen yükleme
    (Ekin Yayınevi, 2022) Aslan, Muzaffer
    Dental implantlar, tamamen yada kısmen dişsiz hastaların tedavisinde kullanılan yapay diş kökleridir. Dental implant tedavisinin başarısında ve bu başarının devamında koşul osseointegrasyonun sağlanmasıdır. Osseointegrasyonun gerçekleşmesinde; uygun materyal seçimi, atravmatik cerrahi, yeterli hacim ve yoğunlukta kemik, aseptik operasyon ve protezin yükleme zamanı gibi faktörler rol oynar (Buser et al. 1997; Becker et al. 1997; Astrand et al. 1996; Albrektsson et al. 1986). İlk olarak Branemark ve arkadaşları tarafından önerilen osseointegrasyonun en önemli şartı; implantın iyileşme döneminde stressiz, üzerine yük gelmeden beklenmesidir (Brånemark et al. 1977). Brånemark’ın geleneksel protokolü iki aşamalıdır. Buna göre birinci aşamada doku açılır, implanta yerleştirilir ve kapatılır. Alt çene için 3 ay, üst çene için 6 ay bekledikten sonra doku açılır ve ancak o zaman yükleme yapılabilir. Bu yaklaşımın arkasındaki mantığa göre fonksiyonel kuvvetler nedeniyle erken iyileşme döneminde implant-kemik arayüzünde fibröz doku oluşmakta ve bu da osseointegrasyona engel olmakta dolayısıyla da başarısızlığa neden olmaktadır. Bu yükleme koşulu, günümüzde de sıklıkla kullanılan ”geleneksel yükleme” olarak adlandırılır (Babbush CA 1986).
  • Yayın
    Sofortbelastung von zygoma-implantaten in fällen von amelogenesis imperfecta mit kronenresorption multipler retinierter zähne
    (Quintessenz Verlags GmbH, 2022) Aslan, Muzaffer
    Die implantatgestützte Rekonstruktion stark resorbierter Oberkiefer ist insofern besonders anspruchsvoll, als das vorhandene Knochenvolumen keine idealen Implantatpositionen unterstützt. Daher sind in der Regel Knochen- und Sinusbodenaugmentationen mit Knochentransplantaten erforderlich. Diese Techniken sind gut dokumentiert und zeigen hohe Erfolgsraten, sind aber zeitaufwendig, erfordern gegebenenfalls einen zweiten Eingriff an der Spenderstelle und schließen eine Sofortbelastung aus. In entsprechenden Fällen findet daher ein neues Konzept, bei dem im Jochbein platzierte Implantate (Zygoma-Implantate) zum Einsatz kommen und das beachtliche Erfolgsraten vorweisen kann, zunehmend Beachtung. Dieser Fallbericht zeigt die Behandlung von zwei Patienten mit Amelogenesis imperfecta in Verbindung mit fortgeschrittenen Kronenresorptionen und Durchbruchstörungen sowie Zahnnichtanlagen unter Verwendung von sofortbelasteten Standard- und Zygoma-Implantaten.
  • Yayın
    Retrospective analysis of neurosensory disturbances related to dental implant placement in mandibular interforaminal region
    (Erciyes University, 2021) Kütük, Nükhet; Topan, Cihan; Demirbaş, Ahmet Emin; Alkan, Alper
    The aim of this study is to evaluate the risk of neurosensory disturbances resulting from the injury of the anterior loop of the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) in dental implant surgery with panoramic radiography. Panoramic radiographs of 1614 consecutive patients treated with dental implants were examined, and patients with implants located at a distance less than 5 mm to the mental foramen were recorded. Paresthesia, anesthesia, neuropathic pain was investigated retrospectively. In 405 patients, the implants were located in a distance less than 5 mm to the mental foramen. A range of 0.6 mm to 5 mm distance was detected between the mental foramen and these dental implants. No patient complained of bilateral paresthesia. In five (2.06%) of the 242 regions, it was found that patients had permanent unilateral paresthesia in their lower lips. In conclusion, panoramic radiography is not an entirely reliable imaging method for dental implant planning in the interforaminal region. Methods that are more sophisticated may be required to assess the risk of neurosensory disorder before treatment.
  • Yayın
    The comparison of axial and tilted implants for immediate loading
    (Tobacco Regulatory Science Group, 2021) Aslan, Muzaffer
    Background: The success and sustainability of osseointegration in implant treatment is considered an important factor and therefore the value of Marginal Bone Loss (MBL) is an important consideration. Method: Thirty eight patients (17 females and 21 males) were included in the study. Immediately loaded fixed prosthesis supported by two axial and two tilted implants were performed for each patient. 36 axial implants and 36 tilted implants were placed in maxilla, and 40 axial and 40 tilted implants were placed in mandible. Loading was performed 24 hours after the operation and final prosthesis was performed after 6 months. Patients were followed up at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months. Results: According the results of the MBL measurements, there was a statistically significant difference between all results (p = 0.000 <0.05). The value of MBL increased with time and MBL measurements are similar in both tilted and axial implants in maxilla and mandible. In this method, there is no graft cost and augmentation is not required. Discussion: In our study, it is seen that routine control of the patients and early detection of the problem are important in order to prevent problems related to the implant and prosthesis.