İstanbul Sağlık ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Kurumsal Akademik Arşivi
DSpace@İSTÜN, Üniversite mensupları tarafından doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak yayınlanan; kitap, makale, tez, bildiri, rapor, araştırma verisi gibi tüm akademik kaynakları uluslararası standartlarda dijital ortamda depolar, Üniversitenin akademik performansını izlemeye aracılık eder, kaynakları uzun süreli saklar ve telif haklarına uygun olarak Açık Erişime sunar.

Güncel Gönderiler
Determination of anti-mullerian hormone and inhibin b reference ranges according to pubertal stages in children and adolescent girls
(Karger, 2024) Kaynar, Özge; Turan, Hande; Tarçın, Gürkan; Karakaş, Hasan; Evliyaoğlu, Olcay; Turan, Volkan; Bayramoğlu, Elvan
Determination of Anti-Mullerian Hormone and Inhibin B Reference Ranges According to Pubertal Stages in Children and Adolescent Girls
An anatomical investigation regarding the parietal foramen in 174 adult parietal bones
(Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine Publications, 2025) Sağlam, Latif; Allahverdiyev, İrşad; Sordi, Ali Efruz; Öztürk, Adnan
Objective: Investigating all anatomical aspects of the parietal foramen (PF) is essential. This study aimed to examine the anatomical features of the PF. Materials and Methods: A total of 174 dry adult human parietal bones (81 right and 93 left) were carefully examined. The frequency, shape, and direction of the PF were recorded. Measurements included the diameter of the PF (DPF), the distance of the PF to the sagittal suture (DSS), the distance of the PF to the occipital angle (DPO), and the length of the sagittal suture (LSS). Additionally, to determine the topography of the PF (TPF), the LSS/DPO ratio was calculated. The DPF was measured using needles of various diameters, while all distances were measured using a digital caliper. Results: Among the parietal bones, 112 (64.3%) had the PF, while 62 (35.7%) had none. A total of 118 PFs were identified on the 112 bones: 52 on the right side, 58 on the left side, and 8 on the sagittal suture. The foramen was single in 90.7% of cases, double in 6.8%, and triple in 2.5%. The parietal foramen appeared circular in 94.1% and oval in 5.9% of cases. Most foramina were oriented in a posteroanterior direction. The mean measurements for DPF, DSS, DPO, and LSS were 1.7±0.6 mm, 6.81±3.40 mm, 33.81±12.43 mm, and 108.94±6.91 mm, respectively. Additionally, the TPF was approximately 3:1. Conclusion: The data obtained in this study may be important for enhancing the success rate of invasive procedures involving the PF or its adjacent structures, as well as for reducing or preventing complications.
Photocatalytic performance of ag-humic acid magnetic nanoparticles for degradation of methylene blue in aqueous medium
(Istanbul University Faculty of Aquatic Sciences, 2024) Özdemir Olgun, Fatoş Ayça; Kaba, İbrahim
The discharge of organic dyes from industrial plants processing pharmaceuticals, textile fabrics, leather, and petrochemicals is a great concern in terms of water contamination. Even in small amounts less than 1 mgL-1 , dyes have serious effects on the water quality of the aquatic environment. In this study, methylene blue was chosen as a model to represent the azo-dye class that is non-biodegradable, toxic and mutagenic. Photocatalytic degradation is a sustainable and eco-friendly remediation process to eliminate the undesired effects of dye contamination. The morphology of the catalyst highly influences the properties and the efficiency of the catalytic reaction. A novel composite magnetic nanoparticle was synthesized in core-shell structure and characterized with the aid of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images combined with an elemental distribution image (EDX mapping), Zeta Potential, Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) analyses and Raman Spectrometer. The electronic properties of the fabricated material were enlightened by Mott Schottky measurements. In optical studies, direct band-gap energies were calculated with the aid of Ultraviolet-Visible Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (UV-DRS). The effective photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue in aqueous medium was maintained with optimum parameters defined within the study. The results support the applicability of the proposed novel magnetic nanoparticle as a catalyst for the degradation of methylene blue in aquatic environment.
Trace determination of cobalt in heather leaf tea by matrix matching calibration assisted flame atomic absorption spectrometry following a dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction utilizing a Schiff base ligand
(Elsevier, 2025) Atakol, Arda; Zeydanlı, Damla; Göver, Tuğçe; Atakol, Melike; Serbest, Hakan; Karakebap, Kübra; Büyük, Muhammed Ali; Atakol, Orhan; Bakırdere, Sezgin
In this study, an analytical method that involves dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for extraction and enrichment of Co was developed for its determination in heather leaf tea infusions. N,N’-bis(2-hydrox yacetophenylidene)-1,3-propanediamine was utilized to form the complex extracted in chloroform with meth anol as a dispersive solvent. The experimental parameters were optimized to allow for an enhancement of detection power by 35.6-folds compared to direct FAAS measurements while lowering the limit of detection to 0.0154 mg/L and the limit of quantification to 0.0513 mg/L and providing a linear range of 0.050–0.75 mg/L. Spiked recovery experiments were conducted on two brands of heather leaf tea where a matrix matching strategy was employed for further reduction of interferences. The recovery results obtained in the range of 78.7–128.4 % supported the accuracy of the proposed method that promises an economical and easy-to-apply process for the trace determination of cobalt in herbal tea matrices.
Vasküler travmada kompartman sendromu
(Akademisyen Yayınevi A.Ş., 2024) Doğan, Emre; Yiğit, Görkem
Kalp ve damar cerrahları olarak, kompartman sendromunu (KS) en sık ekstremiteler de tecrübe etmekteyiz. Kompartman sendromunu, fasya ile sarılı olan kas gruplarının bulunduğu bir alanda basıncın artması ile gelişen perfüzyon bozukluğu olarak tanımla yabiliriz (1,2).KS tanısı koymak ve ardından tedavilerine başlamak hayatidir. Erken tanı ve uygun müdahale ile kompartman sendromunun komplikasyonlarından (rabdomyoliz, hiperkalemi, akut böbrek hasarı…) kaçınılabilir.