Istanbul Health and Technology University Institutional Repository için istatistikler
Toplam ziyaret
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Evaluation of the falx cerebri from the perspective of the fenestra and its possible clinical outcomes | 263 |
A little-known vaginitis-like picture: Cytolytic vaginosis | 173 |
Vasküler travmada kompartman sendromu | 135 |
Pumpkin seeds and their effects on prostate health | 135 |
Trace copper determination in mate tea and tap water using FAAS and spray-assisted liquid phase microextraction | 122 |
Narrative terapi | 98 |
The therapeutic effects of bioactive compounds on colorectal cancer via PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway: A critical review | 95 |
Psikoterapi ve psikolojik danışmada manevi yönelimli 101 teknik: vaka örnekleriyle | 82 |
Yapay zekâ etiği: Sınırlar ve sorumluluklar | 80 |
Nurses’ perceptions of nursing management: A metaphorical analysis | 73 |