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Yayın Preparation and characterization of an acrylated-coumarin-containing photo-crosslinked thiol-ene network: Investigation of the free-volume, thermal, UV, and photoluminescence properties(Wiley, 2025) Uyumaz, Fatmanur; Artuç, Gamze Özgül; Pehlivan, Gamze; Akdoğan, Ayça; Yahşi, Uğur; Tav, Cumali; Bulut, Mustafa; Kahraman, Memet VezirCoumarin, a versatile compound, has attracted great interest in polymer science due to its unique properties and diverse applications. The use of coumarins in polymer research opens avenues for the development of materials with improved functionalities. In this study, an acrylated coumarin (a-coumarin) compound containing polymeric films was obtained via UV curing through a thiol-ene click reaction with a free radical mechanism. The obtained a-coumarin-containing polymeric films were subjected to functional characterization using FTIR and NMR analyses and thermal characterization via DSC and TGA. UV–vis and PL analyses were performed to determine the optical properties. Using positron anni hilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS), the free volume and proportional free volume fraction of the films were analyzed both below and above the glass transi tion temperature (Tg). The Tg values obtained from PALS were several degrees lower than those obtained via DSC. A-coumarin additives inhibit segmental mobility, hence reducing the proportional free volume fraction and increasing the Tg. This study is the first in the literature to investigate the free volume properties of coumarin-containing polymeric films. The study reveals the impact of a-coumarin on thermal, optical, and free volume properties, paving the way for the design of advanced functional materials.Yayın Determination of anti-mullerian hormone and inhibin b reference ranges according to pubertal stages in children and adolescent girls(Karger, 2024) Kaynar, Özge; Turan, Hande; Tarçın, Gürkan; Karakaş, Hasan; Evliyaoğlu, Olcay; Turan, Volkan; Bayramoğlu, ElvanDetermination of Anti-Mullerian Hormone and Inhibin B Reference Ranges According to Pubertal Stages in Children and Adolescent GirlsYayın An anatomical investigation regarding the parietal foramen in 174 adult parietal bones(Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine Publications, 2025) Sağlam, Latif; Allahverdiyev, İrşad; Sordi, Ali Efruz; Öztürk, AdnanObjective: Investigating all anatomical aspects of the parietal foramen (PF) is essential. This study aimed to examine the anatomical features of the PF. Materials and Methods: A total of 174 dry adult human parietal bones (81 right and 93 left) were carefully examined. The frequency, shape, and direction of the PF were recorded. Measurements included the diameter of the PF (DPF), the distance of the PF to the sagittal suture (DSS), the distance of the PF to the occipital angle (DPO), and the length of the sagittal suture (LSS). Additionally, to determine the topography of the PF (TPF), the LSS/DPO ratio was calculated. The DPF was measured using needles of various diameters, while all distances were measured using a digital caliper. Results: Among the parietal bones, 112 (64.3%) had the PF, while 62 (35.7%) had none. A total of 118 PFs were identified on the 112 bones: 52 on the right side, 58 on the left side, and 8 on the sagittal suture. The foramen was single in 90.7% of cases, double in 6.8%, and triple in 2.5%. The parietal foramen appeared circular in 94.1% and oval in 5.9% of cases. Most foramina were oriented in a posteroanterior direction. The mean measurements for DPF, DSS, DPO, and LSS were 1.7±0.6 mm, 6.81±3.40 mm, 33.81±12.43 mm, and 108.94±6.91 mm, respectively. Additionally, the TPF was approximately 3:1. Conclusion: The data obtained in this study may be important for enhancing the success rate of invasive procedures involving the PF or its adjacent structures, as well as for reducing or preventing complications.Yayın Trace determination of cobalt in heather leaf tea by matrix matching calibration assisted flame atomic absorption spectrometry following a dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction utilizing a Schiff base ligand(Elsevier, 2025) Atakol, Arda; Zeydanlı, Damla; Göver, Tuğçe; Atakol, Melike; Serbest, Hakan; Karakebap, Kübra; Büyük, Muhammed Ali; Atakol, Orhan; Bakırdere, SezginIn this study, an analytical method that involves dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for extraction and enrichment of Co was developed for its determination in heather leaf tea infusions. N,N’-bis(2-hydrox yacetophenylidene)-1,3-propanediamine was utilized to form the complex extracted in chloroform with meth anol as a dispersive solvent. The experimental parameters were optimized to allow for an enhancement of detection power by 35.6-folds compared to direct FAAS measurements while lowering the limit of detection to 0.0154 mg/L and the limit of quantification to 0.0513 mg/L and providing a linear range of 0.050–0.75 mg/L. Spiked recovery experiments were conducted on two brands of heather leaf tea where a matrix matching strategy was employed for further reduction of interferences. The recovery results obtained in the range of 78.7–128.4 % supported the accuracy of the proposed method that promises an economical and easy-to-apply process for the trace determination of cobalt in herbal tea matrices.Yayın Thermodynamic, thermoeconomic, and exergoeconomic analysis of a UAV two stroke engine fueled with gasoline-octanol and gasoline-hexanol blends(Elsevier, 2025) Özer, Salih; Tunçer, Erdal; Demir, Usame; Gülcan, Halil ErdiIn recent years, as the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) engines has increased in various application areas such as military fields, defense, emergencies, and mapping, the use of these engines with fossil-based fuels has raised environmental concerns. The addition of heavy alcohols such as octanol and hexanol, which have high energy densities, to the fossil-based fuels used may help reduce environmental concerns and contribute to per formance improvement. In this study, the performance, emissions, thermodynamic, thermoeconomic, and exergoeconomic analysis of a two-stroke engine operating with gasoline-octanol and gasoline-hexanol fuels in a UAV is conducted. There are no studies in the literature that examine the energy, exergy, thermoeconomic, and exergoeconomic aspects of a two-stroke UAV engine operating with gasoline-octanol and gasoline-hexanol fuel mixtures. The aim of this study is to understand the performance and emission characteristics of used heavy alcohols such as octanol and hexanol in a two-stroke UAV engine, and to examine them from a thermodynamic perspective. The experiments are carried out at different shaft speed ranges (3250, 3750, 4500, 5250, and 6250 rpm). Additionally, seven different fuels are used in the experiments: gasoline, gasoline-octanol mixtures (volumetrically 10 %, 20 %, and 30 %), and gasoline-hexanol mixtures (volumetrically 10 %, 20 %, and 30 %). The results show that increasing the octanol content in gasoline to 30 % (OC30) reduces the specific fuel con sumption (SFC) by up to 5.5 % (at 6250 shaft speed), while increasing the hexanol content to 30 % (HX30) increases it by 6 % (at 5250 shaft speed). CO emissions decrease by an average of 5.3 % and 9.2 % with OC30 and HX30 fuels, respectively (both at 6250 shaft speed), while CO2 emissions increase by an average of 3 % and 10 % with OC30 and HX30 fuels, respectively. With OC30 fuel, the exergetic destruction decreases by an average of 6 % compared to gasoline, while with HX30 fuel, it increases by an average of 3.3 %. OC30 increases the exergetic efficiency by an average of 5.4 % compared to gasoline, whereas HX30 decreases it by 2.9 %.Yayın Trace copper determination in mate tea and tap water using FAAS and spray-assisted liquid phase microextraction(Elsevier, 2025) Karakebap, Kübra; Serbest, Hakan; Turak, Fatma; Bakırdere, SezginIn the present study, a rapid, efficient and environmentally friendly analytical approach was proposed for the determination of trace copper by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) after spray-assisted fine droplet formation based liquid phase microextraction (SFDF-LPME), which eliminates the use of dispersing solvents. With the help of a simple nozzle apparatus, an efficient distribution of the extraction solvent into the sample was achieved. The developed SFDF-LPME-FAAS method achieved a limit of detection (LOD) of 1.6 µg L− 1 and a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 5.2 µg L− 1 under optimal conditions. A wide linear range was recorded with a regression coefficient (R2 ) of 0.9987 between 5.0 and 100 µg L− 1 . The improvement in sensitivity was found to be 57.4-fold by comparing the slopes of the calibration plot equation of FAAS and SFDF-LPME-FAAS systems. The feasibility of the SFDF-LPME-FAAS method was evaluated by recovery studies using mate tea extracts and tap water samples. The good recovery results obtained for tap water samples and mate tea extracts in the range of 81.1 % - 113.8 % and 85.5 % - 120.8 %, respectively, showed that the method is applicable to similar matrices.Yayın Evaluation of the falx cerebri from the perspective of the fenestra and its possible clinical outcomes(Istanbul University Press, 2025) Sağlam, Latif; Bayram, Melis; Gayretli, Özcan; Coşkun, Osman; Kale, Ayşin; Öztürk, AdnanObjective: The human falx cerebri is an important anatomical structure due to the hemispheres it is adjacent to and the dural venous sinuses it contains. It is also an important landmark in determining the midline in the interhemispheric transcallosal ap proach for lateral and third ventricular tumours in neurosurgical practises. Thus, the goal of this cadaveric study was to investi gate the existence, number, and topography of fenestra on the falx cerebri in the Turkish population. Material and Methods: For this study, 60 adult Turkish cadaveric dura maters were examined. The number of falx cerebris and the existence and topography of fenestra on the falx cerebri was de termined. The length and width of the fenestra were measured using a digital compass. Result: All falces cerebrum were single, and no double or triple falx cerebri were observed. There was fenestra on the falx cerebri in five cases (8.3% of all cases), and two of them included multi ple foramina (%40 of all fenestrae). In addition, one fenestra was on the middle part of the falx cerebri, whereas the other was placed on the posterior part of this partition. The mean length and width of these fenestrae were 23.3x7.5 mm. Conclusion: The novel findings documented in this study may be important to increase the success rate of diagnostic and op erative procedures of the falx cerebri or adjacent structures and to minimise intraoperative complications during neurosurgical applications.Yayın Development of a sensitive spectrophotometric method for determination of the charge-transfer complex of aripiprazole in pharmaceutical formulations: Spectrometric characteristics and analytical applications(Taras Shevchenko National University, 2024) Dinçel, Demet; Bahadori, Fatemeh; Kepekçi Tekkeli, Şerife Evrim; Önal, ArmağanThis study presents a simple, rapid, and accurate spectrophotometric method for the determination of Aripiprazole (ARP) in tablets. The determination procedure is based on the reaction of ARP with 7,7,8,8-tet racyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ), producing a colored product that was quantitated spectrophotometrically at 392 nm. Various variables affecting the reaction were optimized. The method exhibited a good linearity range with a correlation coefficient of 0.9994, observed as 0.25–3 μg/mL. The developed method was validated according to the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) guidelines, assessing specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision, robustness, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of quantitation (LOQ). The formation of the CT-complex and the interaction sites were confirmed by elemental analysis, DSC, IR, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The method was successfully applied to the determination of ARP in pharmaceutical preparation.Yayın A little-known vaginitis-like picture: Cytolytic vaginosis(Clinical Laboratory Publications, 2025) Kömeç, Selda; Aydın, Mustafa DeryaBackground: Cytolytic vaginosis (CV) is a condition characterized by an increase in lactobacilli in the vaginal flora, causing complaints of discharge, itching, dyspareunia, and dysuria. Since there are no antimicrobials in the treatment protocols of CV, the diagnostic and therapeutic criteria of which were first defined by Cibley, differential diagnosis of CV from other vaginitis agents will prevent unnecessary use of antimicrobials and recurrent com-plaints. In our study, we aimed to determine the frequency of CV in patients presenting with vaginitis complaints and the diagnostic accuracy of the diagnostic criteria. Methods: In total, 140 women, 103 with vaginitis complaints and 37 without vaginitis complaints, were examined for bacterial vaginosis (BV), vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), Trichomonas vaginalis (Tv), and CV. For the diagnosis of CV, vaginal pH ≤ 4.5, the presence of a large number of lactobacilli in Gram staining, the presence of false clue cells, cytolysis in vaginal epithelial cells, leukocyte deficiency or absence, absence of Tv, BV, or VVC were used. Results: Out of 103 patients, 30 (29.1%) had BV, 20 (19.4%) had VVC, 20 (19.4%) had CV, 5 (4.9%) had BV and VVC, and 4 (3.9%) had Tv. The sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic criteria were 80% and 99% for epithelial cytolysis, 70% and 99% for false clue cells, 100% and 86% for pH ≤ 4.5, and 100% and 56% for numerous lactobacilli, respectively. Conclusions: In Turkey and worldwide, CV is not considered in vaginitis cases. In our study, the high rate of 19.4% in vaginitis cases shows the need for comprehensive research on this subject.Yayın Maternal health experiences on respectful and adequate care of immigrant women: A prospective multicenter study(Wiley, 2024) Topçu, Elif Göknur; Terzioğlu, Merve; Okumuş, Zihniye Gonca; Şavklı, Ayşe Özge; Demirkıran, Cansu İremObjective: Migration of pregnant women can be challenging. Access to adequate and respectful care may not be possible. We aimed to assess the maternity care that im migrant women receive and their satisfaction with the care they experience. Methods: This multicenter prospective study was conducted in a tertiary public hos pital and a private hospital in Istanbul between April 2023 and July 2023. A face-to face questionnaire was completed in the postpartum department by obstetricians and translators. Results: In total, 267 patients participated in this study. A majority of these patients delivered at the public hospital (75%). Approximately 21% of all deliveries in both hos pitals were with foreign mothers. A majority of the patients (82%) in the public hospi tal said they easily reached midwives, nurses, and an obstetrician, while this number rose to 100% in the private hospital. Patients in the private hospital had a higher average number of obstetrician visits compared to those in the public hospital, which was statistically significant (P< 0.05). Patients in the public hospital were significantly less informed about various maternity topics than those in the private hospital group (P< 0.001 for all topics). Most patients said their ideas and thoughts were taken seri ously by the health care providers (80% and 97% in the public and private hospitals, respectively). Almost all patients recommended giving birth in the same hospital (94% vs. 96%, public and private hospitals, respectively), while around 99% recommended giving birth in Turkey. Conclusion: Immigrant women are overall satisfied with the care they receive in both public and private hospitals. They have easier access to obstetricians in private hospi tals, as well as being more informed on maternal health issues. Clinical efforts should focus on patient education in antenatal care.Yayın New 2-indolinone-indole hybrid compounds carrying a benzoyl moiety as tyrosine kinase inhibitors(Elsevier, 2025) Camcı Eren, Merve; Cinek, Tuğçe; Cihan Üstündağ, Gökçe; Özen Eroğlu, Güneş; Yıldırım, Merve; Genç Akar, Öyküm; Erol Bozkurt, Ayşe; Sancar, Serap; Öztay, Füsun; Soylu Eter, Özge; Bolkent, Şehnaz; Kuruca, SerapIn this study, new 2-indolinone-indole hybrid compounds (4a-s) carrying a benzoyl moiety were synthesized and their cytotoxic effects were examined against pancreatic (MIA-PaCa-2) and colon (HT-29 and HCT-116) cancer cells by MTT assays. Most of the tested compounds exhibited a better inhibitory activity and safety profile than the reference standard sunitinib malate against MIA-PaCa-2 and HCT-116 cancer cells. Compound 4e displayed the greatest cytotoxic effect on HCT-116 cell with an IC50 value of 0.16 µM and a remarkable selectivity profile (SI > 625). Compound 4g exhibited a selective activity against HCT-116 cancer cell (IC50 = 0.34 µM), with no activity against the other cells at the highest concentrations tested. Compound 4b demonstrated a potent inhibitory activity against MIA-PaCa-2 cell (IC50 = 0.54 µM). General tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) activities and apoptotic effects were examined for compounds 4b, 4e and 4g. The tested compounds were observed to significantly reduce general TK activities in HCT-116 cell and induce apoptosis in HCT-116 and MIA-PaCa-2 cells. Lead compound 4e, the most effective general TKI, was determined to have a specific SRC kinase inhibitor effect in HCT-116 cell and the molecular modelling studies were performed to understand the potential binding mode at the ATP-binding domain of SRC kinase.Yayın Quantification of agnuside in human plasma with a novel high-performance liquid chromatographic method and pharmacokinetic study(Oxford University Press, 2025) Egeli, Derya; Tiris, Gizem; Kepekçi Tekkeli, Şerife EvrimThis study presents a combination of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and ultraviolet (UV) detection that provides the quantification of agnuside in human plasma specimens. Reverse-phase chromatographic separation was carried out with C18 column (150 mm × 4.6 mm × 5 μm), at 25°C with isocratic elution of the mobile phase containing methanol: 0.1% formic acid (35:65 v/v) at 0.6 mL/min flow rate. Experiments were carried out at a wavelength of 258 nm. The retention time of the analyte is 9.70 ± 0.01 min. The developed technique was validated based on the International Conference on Harmonization guideline. The correlation coefficient of the technique was 0.9915, and the calibration range was 5–125 μg/mL. The recovery value of the proposed method was found to be 101.4%, and the precision of the method was calculated as 6.35 with the highest RSD% value. A pharmacokinetic study was performed by administering agnuside to a healthy volunteer.Yayın Toward green and sustainable zinc-ion batteries: The potential of natural solvent-based electrolytes(Wiley, 2025) Yaman Uzunoğlu, Gülşah; Yüksel, RecepZinc-ion batteries (ZIBs) are emerged as a promising alternative for sustainable energy storage, offering advantages such as safety, low cost, and environmental friendliness. However, conventional aqueous electrolytes in ZIBs face significant challenges, including hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and zinc dendrite formation, compromising their cycling stability and safety. These limitations necessitate innovative electrolyte solutions to enhance ZIB performance while maintaining sustainability. This review explores the potential of natural solvent-based electrolytes derived from renewable and biodegradable resources. Natural deep eutectic solvents (DES), bio-ionic liquids, and biomass-derived organic compounds present unique advantages, including a wider electrochemical stability window, reduced HER activity, and controlled zinc deposition. Examples include DESs based on choline chloride (ChCl), glycerol-based systems, and biomass-derived solvents such as γ-valerolactone (GVL) and aloe vera, demonstrating improved cycling stability and dendrite suppression. Despite their promise, challenges such as high viscosity, cost, and scalability remain critical barriers to commercialization. This review underscores the need for further research to optimize natural solvent formulations, enhance Zn anode compatibility, and integrate these systems into practical applications. By addressing these challenges, natural solvent-based electrolytes can pave the way for safer, high-performance, and environmentally sustainable ZIBs, particularly large-scale energy storage systems.Yayın Viewpoints of nurse auditors regarding the profession: A qualitative study(Emerald Publishing, 2025) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza FerreiraAbstract Purpose – This study aims to understand the experiences of Brazilian nurse auditors in the practice of their profession, exploring the importance, challenges, rewards and strategies related to the occupation. Design/methodology/approach – This is a qualitative descriptive study conducted with 44 nurse auditors. An online, open-ended questionnaire was used. Thematic content analysis was performed. Findings – Five themes were identified: (1) functions of a nurse auditor; (2) skills required for a nurse auditor; (3) learning to be a nurse auditor; (4) advantages of being a nurse auditor and (5) challenges faced by a nurse auditor. Also, a total of 16 subthemes were presented. Research limitations/implications – The study critically examined essential aspects of auditing through the lens of nurse auditors, addressing a relevant topic. However, limitations must be acknowledged, including the use of self-report questionnaires, regional representation disparities, the scarcity of international articles on the topic and potential researcher bias. Practical implications – The study underscores the importance of increasingly integrating nurse auditors into the workforce while emphasizing the need to enhance the capacitation of these professionalsthrough theoretical and practical education. It highlights the significance of educating other multidisciplinary team members about the nurse auditor’s crucial role in fostering teamwork and ensuring the quality of healthcare services. Originality/value – To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first study conducted with Brazilian nurse auditors, exploring crucial aspects of auditing from the perspective of these professionals. Understanding the critical role of nurse auditorsinmaintaining and improving healthcare quality can enhance public trust in healthcare systems.Yayın A study of psychological violence in intimate partner relationships among university students: A mixed-methods research(Springer, 2025) Keçeci, Berra; Ümmet, DurmuşThe aim of this study is to examine university students’ attitudes and experiences regarding psychological violence in intimate partner relationships in the context of attachment styles, gender roles, and parasocial interactions. In this study, a mixed-methods research design, specifically the explanatory sequential design, was employed. In the quantitative phase, the attitudes of 508 university student participants towards dating violence were examined with structural equation modeling in terms of attachment styles, parasocial interaction levels and gender roles perceptions. In the qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 university students who had experienced psychological violence in their romantic relationships, and the interviews were analyzed with the interpretive phenomenological analysis method. According to the conducted structural equation model, anxious attachment and avoidant attachment predict attitudes towards female psychological dating violence, while anxious attachment predicts attitudes towards male psychological dating violence. In the qualitative phase, the analysis revealed four main themes concerning perceptions of attachment styles: self, attitudes in relationships, evaluation tendencies in relationships, and relationship maintenance styles. Regarding perceptions of gender roles, two main themes emerged: gender equality and relationship roles. Media interactions yielded three main themes: interaction engagement, social learning effects, and the role of media within relationships. Lastly, perceptions of romantic relationship experiences were organized into four main themes: relationship encounters, relationship expectations, relationship issues, and dating violence. The findings suggest that people’s attachment styles, gender roles and interactions with different media channels are effective in their attitudes and experiences towards psychological violence in dating. The results emphasize that personal and social patterns are important in attitudes towards dating violence and that further studies on this subject should be increased.Yayın The impact of domestic violence and sexual assault on family dynamics and child development: A comprehensive review(AVES, 2025) Brockstedt, Matthias; Uğur Baysal, Serpil; Daştan, KadirThis review synthesizes current research on domestic violence and sexual assault, focusing on their short-term and long-term effects on family dynamics, particularly on the development and well-being of children and adolescents. The article employs a curated body of literature, including surveys, reviews, program evaluations, and international health reports, to elucidate the direct and collateral damage caused by such trauma within families. The review critically examines the intersecting consequences of abuse, including immediate psychological distress and long-term socio-economic and educational disruptions for affected youths. Additionally, the review examines structural impediments and cultural intricacies that shape reporting prac tices and access to support services. The role of civil legal aid and victim advocacy in promoting survivor safety and justice is discussed, supported by findings from service evaluation studies. The review also addresses the exacerbating effects of the Coronavirus pandemic on domes tic violence rates and service provision, noting increased occurrences of domestic abuse and decreased pursuit of urgent care and support, highlighting research conducted from the pan demic’s start through 2023. Emergent studies reveal a rise in domestic abuse occurrences and a decline in urgent care and support pursuit, emphasizing the need for adapted intervention strategies. The review offers evidence-based recommendations for policymakers, healthcare providers, and community organizations, stressing the necessity of persistent and collaborative efforts to address and prevent domestic violence. The ultimate goal is to advocate for a stron ger international response to repair harm and prevent future occurrences, ensuring a safer environment for all family members, particularly children and adolescents.Yayın Effect of biphenyl derivative of coumarin compounds photodynamic therapy on the expression of carcinoma-associated genes(Slovensko Kemijsko Drustvo, 2024) Gök Yurttaş, Asiye; Elgün, Tuğba; Erkal Çam, Burçin; Kefeli, Melike; Çınar, KamilPhotodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a cancer treatment. Singlet oxygen is produced as a result of the photochemical reaction between light, photosensitizer (PS), and molecular oxygen, which kills cells. Colon cancer, affecting 1.23 million people worldwide, often requires surgery but has high recurrence and metastasis rates. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) repre-sents an alternative treatment for colon cancer. This study used MTT assays to evaluate cell viability and applied Zinc (II) Phthalocyanine (ZnPc) photosensitizers to the colorectal adenocarcinoma (HT-29) cell line to investigate cancer pathways via flow cytometry and q-PCR. The results showed that PDT with ZnPc significantly reduced cell viability in HT-29 cells and induced apoptosis at a rate of 53%. According to q-PCR results, CT values of ten out of thirty genes were significant, and their association with cancer was evaluated.Yayın Preconcentration of bismuth using nickel hydroxide nanoflower from water samples and determination by FAAS(Springer, 2025) Yıldız, Barış; Durukan, İlknur; Şaylan, Meltem; Zaman, Buse Tuğba; Bakırdere, SezginIn this study, a preconcentration strategy based on Ni(OH)2 nanofowers (NFs) was developed for the extraction/separation of bismuth ions from environmental water samples before the determination by fame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The homogeneous coprecipitation method was employed for the synthesis of the fower-shaped Ni(OH)2 and used as an adsorbent for the preconcentration of bismuth. The extraction variables were determined by a univariate optimization strategy to obtain maximum extraction performance. The optimal parameters of the method were as follows: 15 min mechanical shaking at 120 rpm, pH 6.0 bufer solution (1.0 mL), 20 mg of sorbent, and 250 µL of 6.0 M nitric acid for the elution. Under the optimized instrumental and extraction conditions, LOD (limit of detection), LOQ (limit of quantitation), and linear dynamic range were determined as 2.8 µg/L, 9.4 µg/L, and 0.010–0.30 mg/L, respectively. The enhancement factor of the sorbent-based method was calculated as 139.1-folds by comparing the slopes of calibration plots obtained from FAAS and the preconcentration method. To assess the feasibility and reliability of the developed method, tap water and spring water samples were analyzed under optimized conditions. The satisfactory %recoveries were obtained close to 100% using the direct comparison method. The obtained results show that the presented method is a promising candidate for efcient extraction and trace determination of bismuth in several sample mediums.Yayın Green synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles including Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) seed extract: Evaluation of its characterization and bioactivity properties(Wiley, 2024) Bozkurt, Rabia Nur; Şahin, SelinThe use of bioactive compounds in plants as reducing, stabilizing, and capping agents in nanoparticle manufacturing is an exceptionally eco-friendly approach. This work used rosehip seed extract, acquired by automatic solvent extraction, in the microwave-assisted green production of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs). The total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), and antioxidant activity of the extracted materials and nanoparticles were assessed using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) assays. The ideal synthesis parameters were established as 25 mL of extract, pH 12, 360 W of microwave power, and a metal salt concentration of 0.05 M for a duration of 7 minutes. The characterization of the ZnO NPs synthesized under these conditions was performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDX), dynamic light scattering (DLS), zeta potential measurements, and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. High-purity, nano-sized, antioxidant ZnO NPs were manufactured using an ecologically friendly, sustainable, and ecological technique.Yayın CXCR1 gene SNP variability that affects mastitis resistance in Holstein cows in Türkiye(Kafkas Üniversitesi, 2025) Avanus, Kozet; Yılmaz, Alper; Güneş, Halil; Altınel, Ahmet; Ekiz, Bülent; Yalçıntan, Hülya; Keçici, Dilara; Doğan, NurşenGenotyping 16 SNPs of C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 1 (CXCR1) gene region which affects host resistance against mastitis disease was carried out in Holstein cows raised in Türkiye. In this study, the frequency of the undesirable C allele in the CXCR1 c.771C>G polymorphic region, associated with an incomplete response, was found to be high. Additionally, the genotypes c.1016AA and c.1016GG, which contribute to mastitis resistance, were observed at low frequencies. Several SNP loci in the CXCR1 gene, including c.606G>A, c.678G>A, c.1104G>A, c.1119+6C, c.1119+7A, and c.1119+10, significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) (P<0.0001), indicating violations of HWE assumptions such as random mating and absence of selection. The deviations at c.606G>A, c.678G>A, and c.1104G>A suggest strong selection pressures, likely due to artificial selection in Holstein cattle. These variants are synonymous mutations that do not alter the amino acid sequence but may influence protein synthesis through effects on mRNA stability, splicing, or translation efficiency. Furthermore, the absence of heterozygotes at loci c.1119+6C, c.1119+7A, and c.1119+10, which are located on untranslated regions (UTRs), potentially affecting gene expression by regulating mRNA stability, localization, or translation initiation, points to genetic drift or population substructure. These findings are important for understanding genetic variability and can inform marker-assisted selection programs to enhance breeding strategies while preserving genetic diversity for traits like disease resistance and milk production.