Endodonti Ana Bilim Dalı Koleksiyonu
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Yayın Filling ability and bond strength of calcium silicate-based materials(Elsevier, 2024) Göktürk, Hakan; Özkoçak, İsmail; Ocak, Mert; Tan İpek, Seda; Bilecenoğlu, BurakAIM or PURPOSE This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different application methods of various calcium silicate-based materials on the filling ability and bond strength in retrograde cavities. MATERIALS and METHOD After Ethics Committee approval, 110 single-rooted-teeth were endodontically treated. After root-end resection and apical preparation, the specimens were separated into eleven groups: Biodentine, MTA Angelus, MTA Fillapex, MTA Repair HP, MTA Fillapex+ MTA Repair HP, MTA Flow Thick, MTA Flow Putty, MTA Flow Thick + MTA Flow Putty, TotalFill BC RRM Paste, TotalFill BC RRM Putty, TotalFill BC RRM Paste + TotalFill BC RRM Putty. Using a Micro-CT scanner and tridimensional images reconstructed, the filling ability of materials (the volume percentage of gaps and voids) was calculated. After, two slides of root tip discs were created. Push-out bond strength was measured using a universal testing machine. Also, the relationship between the total volume of void% and push-out bond strength was examined. RESULTS All samples presented voids and gaps. There was no statistical difference regarding the volume of void%. TotalFill BC RRM Paste had the highest volume of gaps. MTA Fillapex exhibited significantly the lowest bond strength than other groups. MTA Angelus had a significantly higher bond strength than other groups except for MTA Repair HP, Biodentine, and TotalFill BC RRM Putty. There was no significant correlation between the total volume of porosity% and push-out bond strength. CONCLUSION(S) While the adhesion capacity of the investigated materials significantly decreased when the prior application of paste before delivery of putty, the change in volume of void% was statistically insignificant.Yayın Farklı teknolojiler kullanılarak üretilmiş güncel nikel-titanyum esaslı döner alet sistemlerinin şekillendirme etkinliklerinin incelenmesi(Yeditepe Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Işık, Vasfiye; Ersev, HandanGİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı farklı termomekanik teknolojiler kullanılarak üretilmiş 4 adet Nikel-titanyum esaslı döner alet sisteminin; ProTaper NEXT (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, İsviçre), BT-RaCe (FKG, La Chaux-de-Fonds, İsviçre), K3XF (SybronEndo, West Collins, Kaliforniya, ABD) ve HyFlex CM (Coltène-Whaledent, Altstatten, İsviçre), şekillendirme etkinliklerini karşılaştırmaktır. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: S-şekilli kanal içeren reçine bloklardan (n=20) işlem öncesi ve sonrası dijital fotoğraflar; ileri derecede eğimli kanala sahip çekilmiş dişlerden (n=20) şekillendirme öncesi ve sonrası standart yöntemle dijital radyografiler alınmıştır. Alınan fotoğraf ve radyografiler bilgisayar yazılım programı yardımı ile çakıştırılarak ölçümler yapılmış ve transportasyon miktarı ile merkezde kalma oranları hesaplanmıştır. İstatistiksel değerlendirmede varyans analizi ve Kruskal Wallis testi ve post-hoc Tukey ve Dunn’s çoklu karşılaştırma testleri kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar anlamlılık p<0,05 düzeyinde değerlendirilmiştir. BULGULAR: Reçine bloklarda, kuronal eğimde K3XF merkezde kalma ve transportasyon miktarı açısından en başarılı sonuçları vermiştir (p<0,05). K3XF sistemini sırasıyla HyFlex CM ve ProTaper NEXT sistemleri izlemiştir ancak bu iki sistem arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanmamıştır (p>0,05). BT-RaCe sistemi her iki eğimde de en fazla transportasyon oluşturan (p<0,05) sistem olmuştur. Çekilmiş dişlerde, en az transportasyonu K3XF ve HyFlex CM sistemleri oluşturmuştur (p<0,05). Çalışma uzunluğunda en fazla transportasyona BT-RaCe sistemi neden olmuştur. ProTaper NEXT sisteminin kanal düzleşmesi meydana getirdiği saptanmıştır. TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: İleri derecede eğimli ve birden fazla eğime sahip kök kanalların şekillendirilmesinde K3XF en uygun sistem gibi görünmektedir. HyFlex CM sisteminin de güvenle kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Esnekliği arttırılmış alaşımlardan üretilen aletlerin zorlu vakaların şekillendirilmesinde daha başarılı sonuçlar verdiği gözlemlenmiştir.Yayın Evaluation of the effect of ultrasonic and sonic activation systems on root canal filling quality in resin primary molars: in vitro study(Türkiye Klinikleri, 2024) Güçyetmez Topal, Burcu; Falakaloğlu, Seda; Akgül, Esra Nur; Aktuna Belgin, CerenObjective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of different filling methods on canal filling quality in resin primary molar teeth prepared with two different preparation techniques. Mate rial and Methods: For the study, 60 maxillary primary second molar teeth obtained from resin block were used. Root canals were prepared using a manual #K-file (n=30) and a VDW Rotate™ System (n=30) rotary instrument. Each group was divided into 3 subgroups according to the filling technique used (n=10): Calci-Paste® syringe (control group); Calci-Paste® syringe and Uc-One® (ultrasonic activation); Calci-Paste® syringe and Eddy® (sonic activation). The quality of the canal filling (under filled, optimal filled, overfilled) and the pres ence/absence of voids were assessed using cone beam computed to mography. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science, IBM SPSS®, version 26, Chicago, USA) program was used for statistical analysis. Results: There was no significant difference between the different preparation and filling techniques in terms of filling volume and length, In the study, voids were detected in all three filling methods, but the highest void filling was found in the Calci-Paste® syringe +ultrasonic activation group (48%). The manual preparation and syringe group had the most optimally filled teeth but there was no significant difference between the groups (For preparation methods p=0.573; for filling meth ods p=0.976). Conclusion: In this study, it was found that sonic and ul trasonic systems did not improve the quality of root canal filling in resin primary molars and ultrasonic activation caused more voids.Yayın Endodontide acil durumlarda muayene(Türkiye Klinikleri, 2022) Seven, Naimenur; Yılmaz, AyçaDiş hekimliği pratiğinde acil durumlar olarak kabul edilen olguların büyük çoğunluğunu ağrı, şişlik veya travma sebebiyle kliniğe başvuran hastalar oluşturmaktadır. Endodonti kliniğinde karşılaşılan acil durumlar; hasta ve hekim açısından tanı ve tedavisi bazı zorluklar içeren dikkat ve özen gerektiren işlemlerdir. Hekimin görevi; ağrıdan dolayı yorgun ve psikolojik olarak da çok hassas olan hastanın ağrısını azaltmak, hızlı ve doğru bir teşhis ile uygun tedaviyi gerçekleştirmektir. Kesin tanı ve etkili bir tedavinin ilk basamağı; tam bir muayenedir. Bu bölümdeki amaç; endodontide acil durumlarda kesin tanı için gerekli muayene teknikleri hakkında bilgi vermektir.Yayın Özel bakım gerektiren çocuklarda endodontik tedavi yaklaşımı(Türkiye Klinikleri, 2022) Yanık, Deniz; Kayahan, Mehmet BayboraÖzel bakım gerektiren çocuklarda, oral sağlıkla ilgili yaşam kalitesini arttırmak ve diş kaybını azaltmak için, çekim yerine endodontik tedavi uygulamaları düşünülmelidir. Genel anestezi altında periapikal lezyon varlığında bile tek kanal tedavisinin başarısı gösterilmiştir. Endodontik tedavi planlaması, multidisipliner bir yaklaşımla, bireyin medikal ve mental durumu göz önüne alınarak, tekrarlanan tedavilerin engellenmesi ön planda tutularak gerçekleştirilmelidir. Kooperasyonun izin verdiği ölçüde klinik ve radyografik bulgular elde edilmelidir. Birkaç seans kliniği, hekimi, personeli ve malzemelerin tanınması için ayrılmalıdır. Genel anestezi altındaki endodontik tedavide, izolasyon için rubber dam kullanımı, tedavi süresini kısaltmak ve kolaylaştırmak için tek eğe sistemleri tercih edilmelidir. Endodontik tedavili dişlerin restoratif yaklaşımları ağız alışkanlıkları doğrultusunda belirlenmelidir. Bu bireylerin aileleri ve bakıcılarına, takip prosedürlerinin ve rutin dental muayenelerin gerekliliği ve önemi konusunda farkındalık yaratılmalıdır. Endodontik tedavi ile diş kayıplarının engellenmesi ve çiğneme fonksiyonunun devamı yaşam kalitesini artırdığı gibi sabit veya hareketli protez gibi kabul edilmesi daha zor ileri tedavilere duyulan ihtiyacı azaltacaktır.Yayın Kök kanal morfolojisi inceleme yöntemleri(Türkiye Klinikleri, 2023) Yeniçeri Özata, Merve; Falakaloğlu, Seda; Adıgüzel, Özkan; Er, KürşatKök ve kanal morfolojisinin kapsamlı bir şekilde bilinmesi ve anlaşılabilmesi, endodontik tedavide başarının temel taşlarından biridir. Bu amaçla geçmişten günümüze, boyama ve şeffaflaştırma, radyografik görüntüleme, konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi ve mikro bilgisayarlı tomografi gibi görüntüleme ve araştırma teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Bu tekniklerin kullanıldığı pek çok çalışma, dental morfoloji veri tabanına önemli katkıda bulunmuş, sadece nitel değil nicel veriler de sunmuş ve böylece kök kanal preparasyon sınırlarını da tanımlayabilmiştir. Böylece endodontistler ve endodontik tedavi yapan hekimler, tedavi esnasında karşılaşabileceği kök kanal varyasyonları hakkında bilgi sahibi haline gelmiştir. Ayrıca, kavite preparasyonundan, tedavinin sonlandığı minör apikal foramene kadar olan tedavi sınırlarını çizebilmiştir. Böylece, bu bölüm kök kanal morfolojisi incelenmenin, laboratuvar ve klinik araştırma yöntemlerini sunmayı amaçlamıştır.Yayın Does minimally invasive canal preparation provide higher fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth? A systematic review of in vitro studies(The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry, 2023) Usta, Sıla Nur; Silva, Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal; Falakaloğlu, Seda; Gündoğar, MustafaThis systematic review aimed to investigate whether minimally invasive root canal preparation ensures higher fracture resistance compared to conventional root canal preparation in endodontically treated teeth (ETT). A comprehensive search strategy was conducted on the “PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus” databases, alongside reference and hand searches, with language restrictions applied. Two independent reviews selected pertinent laboratory studies that explored the effect of minimally invasive root canal preparation on fracture resistance, in comparison to larger preparation counterparts. The quality of the studies was assessed, and the risk of bias was categorized as low, moderate, or high. The electronic search yielded a total of 1,767 articles. After applying eligibility criteria, 8 studies were included. Given the low methodological quality of these studies and the large variability of fracture resistance values, the impact of reduced apical size and/or taper on the fracture resistance of the ETT can be considered uncertain. This systematic review could not reveal sufficient evidence regarding the effect of minimally invasive preparation on increasing fracture resistance of ETT, primarily due to the inherent limitations of the studies and the moderate risk of bias.Yayın The effect of final irrigation agents on push-out bond strength of calcium silicate-based cements to dentin(2023) Yeniçeri Özata, Merve; Falakaloğlu, Seda; Batur, Muharrem; Adıgüzel, Özkan; Goncharuk-Khomyn, MyroslavAim: This aim of this study was to compare the effects of different chelating agents [ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), glycolic acid (GA) and citric acid (CA)] on the push-out bond strength (POBS) of two calcium silicate-based silicate cements (CSC) (Biodentine and PD MTA White). Methodology: Dentin discs of 1 ± 0.2 mm thickness were taken from the middle root region of thirty-nine extracted mandibular premolar teeth and two holes (1 mm diameter) were drilled in each disc (n = 78 holes). The samples were then randomly divided into three groups (n = 26 holes) according to the final irrigation agents: Group 1: 20% CA, Group 2: 17% EDTA, Group 3: 10% GA. Then, two different materials were applied to the holes in each group (n = 13 holes): a: PD MTA White, b: Biodentine. POBS test was performed at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The dentin discs were examined under stereomicroscope (25×) to assess the bond failure type. Data were analyzed using a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and comparison of main effects was examined with the Bonferroni test, and multiple comparisons were analysed with the Tukey HSD test. The level of signifcance was 5%. Results: Biodentine showed significantly higher POBS than PD MTA White (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference between the final irrigation agents (p > 0.05). CA – Biodentine group showed substantially higher POBS than EDTA – PD MTA White, CA – PD MTA White, and GA – Biodentine groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: While CA increased the POBS of Biodentine significantly, the POBS of PD MTA White was not affected by the final irrigation agents.Yayın Evaluation of shaping ability of different glide path instruments: A micro-computed tomography study(BMC, 2023) Yeniçeri Özata, Merve; Falakaloğlu, Seda; Keleş, Ali; Adıgüzel, Özkan; Gündoğar, MustafaBackground: This study aimed to compare the shaping ability of different instruments, TruNatomy Glider (TRN-G), WaveOne Gold Glider (WOG-G), and ProGlider (Pro-G) using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Methods: The mesial canals of 27 mandibular molars with two separate mesial canals and moderate curvature were included in this study [n = 27 mesiobuccal (MB) and mesiolingual (ML) root canal]. According to the manufacturer's instructions, the glide path was created with TRN-G, WOG-G, and Pro-G glide path instruments (n = 9 MB and ML root canal in each group). Micro-CT scanning was performed before and after preparation. Mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual (BL) transportation and the centering ratio were measured at three levels within the canal (3, 5 and 7 mm). A three-way robust ANOVA was used to compare the parameters. Results: TRN-G showed significantly greater transportation in the MD direction than the other instruments throughout the root canal (overall root canal) (p < 0.05). The best centering ability in the BL direction was shown by the WOG-G, regardless of level within the canal and canal distinction (MB vs. ML) (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference between groups according to the level within the canal and canal parameters (p > 0.05). Whether the root canal was MB or ML did not affect centering or transportation (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Glide path instruments can be used to shape moderately curved canals with minimal apical transportation and better centering ability. All three tested glide path files can used safely before the shaping file.Yayın Efficacy of laser-activated irrigation with the SWEEPS modality in removing calcium hydroxide from simulated internal resorption cavities(2023) Erkan, Erhan; Aydın, Rabia Nur; Falakaloğlu, Seda; Yeniçeri Özata, Merve; Gündoğar, MustafaAim: To compare the efficacy of shockwave-enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming (SWEEPS), sonic activation with EDDY, and passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) in the removal of calcium hydroxide medicaments from artificial internal resorption cavities. Methodology: Ninety mandibular premolars with single oval canals were prepared to size 50/0.04 and split longitudinally. Standardized cavities were prepared in the apical third of the root canal and filled with calcium hydroxide. The root halves were reassembled and divided into three groups (n = 30) according to the removal methods used. The amount of residual calcium hydroxide was evaluated using a four-grade scoring system. The differences between the groups were analyzed using the Kruskal–Wallis H test (p < 0.05). Results: SWEEPS removed significantly more calcium hydroxide than PUI (p < 0.003) and EDDY (p < 0.035). There was no significant difference between the EDDY and PUI groups (p = 1.000). Conclusion: None of the systems tested were able to completely remove the calcium hydroxide paste from the simulated internal resorption cavities; however, SWEEPS removed more calcium hydroxide than the EDDY and PUI techniques.Yayın Evaluation of shaping performance and surface changes of two different minimally invasive shaping file systems used in resin blocks(MediHealth Academy Yayıncılık, 2023) Yeniçeri Özata, Merve; Falakaloğlu, Seda; Eskibağlar, MehmetAims: This study aimed to compare the shaping ability of T-endo MIS and TruNatomy (TRN) file systems in J-shaped resin root canals and to investigate the deformation of the files after two acrylic block preparation and two sterilization cycles. Methods: Forty acrylic blocks were numbered, then four file groups (n=10) were established: T-endo MIS glider (15.04) + T-endo MIS Finisher (25.04) (first and second usage) and TRN Glider (17.02) + TRN Prime (26.04) (first and second usage). Preoperative and postoperative images after the root canal preparation of simulated acrylic blocks were taken for each sample, and superimposed. The amount of resin removed from both the inner and outer walls of the canal to the level of 3, 5, and 7 mm from the apical point was measured, and the amount of transportation was calculated. Additionally, the deformation of the files was examined under a scanning electron microscope before and after usage and sterilization process. Results: Tip deformation of TRN files increased with the number of uses (p=0.007). With the second use, the surface deformation of the MIS files increased (p=0.015). There was no difference in cutting-edge deformation in either file type according to the number of uses (p>0.05). There was no difference in transportation values between the MIS and TRN file systems at any level (p>0.05). The file systems did not show a significant difference in the amount of transportation between first and second use (p>0.05). Conclusion: When TRN (26.04) and MIS (25.04) NiTi rotary files were used twice on acrylic blocks, the amount of deformation did not differ. Both file types were similar in terms of transportation values.Yayın Dental biyofilme bağlı gingivitis tedavisinin hastaların tat algıları üzerine etkisi(Yeditepe Üniversitesi, 2023) Aykol-Şahin, Gökçe; Kayahan, Mehmet Baybora; Keleş, Gonca; Altan-Köran, Serpil MelekGiriş ve Amaç: Tat algısı, genetik, yapısal ve çevresel pek çok faktöre bağlıdır. Kronik inflamasyonun, tat bozukluklarında etken faktörlerden biri olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, dental biyofilme bağlı, inflamatuar karakterde bir dişeti hastalığı olan gingivitisli hastaların, tedavi sonrası tat algılarındaki değişiminin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada hastaların başlangıç periodontal durumu Quigley-Hein plak indeksi (Turesky modifikasyonu), gingival indeks, sondalamada kanama ve sondalanabilir cep derinliğini içeren periodontal indeks ve ölçümlerle; tat algıları, 6-n propiltiourasil (PROP) (0.32 mmol/l) ve NaCl (0.1 mol/l) solüsyonları ile ağız çalkalatılıp Etiketli Büyüklük Skalası kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Çalışmaya dahil edilen orta ve şiddetli gingivitisi olan hastalara Faz I tedavi uygulandı. Periodontal değerlendirmeler ve tat algısı değerlendirmeleri 1. haftada ve 1. ayda tekrarlandı. Veriler IBM SPSS 21.0 programı ile istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Çalışma grubu; 16’sı kadın (27.88 ± 0.93 yaş ort.) ve 15’i erkek (28.6 ± 1.3 yaş ort.) 31 hastadan oluştu. Demografik verilerde istatistiksel olarak bir farklılık bulunmadı. Hastaların başlangıca göre 1. hafta ve 1. ayda değerlendiren tüm klinik parametrelerinde istatistiksel anlamlı düzeyde iyileşme gözlendi (p <0.05). PROP ve NaCl solüsyonları ile değerlendirilen tat algılarında, yine başlangıca göre tedavi sonrası 1. hafta ve 1. ay değerlendirmelerinde anlamlı düzeyde artış gözlendi (p <0.001). Sonuç: Çalışmada periodontal tedavi sonrası orta ve şiddetli gingivitis hastalarında klinik parametrelerdeki iyileşme ile korele olarak tat algılarında anlamlı düzeyde artış gözlendi. Kısıtlı bir popülasyonda yapılan bu çalışmanın hastalardan geri bildirimin alındığı, proinflamatuar sitokin değişimlerinin de değerlendirildiği daha kapsamlı çalışmalarla desteklenmesine ihtiyaç vardır.Yayın Influence of access cavity design on calcium hydroxide removal using different cleaning protocols: A confocal laser scanning microscopy study(Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry, 2023) Falakaloğlu, Seda; Yeniçeri Özata, Merve; Güneş, Betül; Silva, Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal; Gündoğar, Mustafa; Güçyetmez Topal, BurcuObjectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of endodontic access cavities design on the removal of calcium hydroxide medication of the apical third of mandibular incisor root canal walls and dentinal tubules with different cleaning protocols: EDDY sonic activation, Er,Cr:YSGG laser-activated irrigation, or conventional irrigation with IrriFlex. Materials and Methods: Seventy-eight extracted human mandibular incisors were assigned to 6 experimental groups (n = 13) according to the endodontic access cavity and cleaning protocol for calcium hydroxide removal: traditional access cavity (TradAC)/EDDY; ultraconservative access cavity performed in the incisal edge (UltraAC.Inc)/EDDY; TradAC/Er,Cr:YSGG; UltraAC. Inc/Er,Cr:YSGG; TradAC/IrriFlex; or UltraAC.Inc/IrriFlex. Confocal laser scanning microscopy images were used to measure the non-penetration percentage, maximum residual calcium hydroxide penetration depth, and penetration area at 2 and 4 mm from the apex. Data were statistically analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk and WRS2 package for 2-way comparison of non normally distributed parameters (depth of penetration, area of penetration, and percentage of non-penetration) according to cavity and cleaning protocol with the significance level set at 5%. Results: The effect of cavity and cleaning protocol interactions on penetration depth, penetration area and non-penetration percentage was not found statistically significant at 2 and 4 mm levels (p > 0.05). Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that TradAC or UltraAC.Inc preparations with different cleaning protocols in extracted mandibular incisors did not influence the remaining calcium hydroxide at 2 and 4 mm from the apex.Yayın Evaluation of treatment and restoration preferences in deep carious teeth with various pulp exposure sizes: A questionnaire-based survey(Wiley Online Library, 2023) Yenier Yurdagüven, Gülşah; Işık, Vasfiye; Çiftçioğlu, Elif; Ulukapı, Haşmet; Kayahan, Mehmet BayboraThis study evaluated the management preferences in a deep carious vital tooth. A questionnaire was e-mailed to members of the Turkish Dental Association. The questionnaire included a photograph and radiographs of an extremely deep carious molar (#16) of a 30-year-old man suffering from cold and chewing sensitivity. The dentists were asked to choose treatments for pulp exposure of <1, 1-2, and ≥2 mm and a permanent restoration. Chi-squared test was used to analyse data (p < 0.05). 504 (4.84%) of 10 411 dentists responded. When the pulp exposure was <1 mm: direct pulp capping (84.9%); 1-2 mm: root canal treatment (49.6%); ≥2 mm: root canal treatment (85.7%) were the most preferred treatments. 69.6% of the respondents chose direct composite restorations. If the tooth would be an abutment, most respondents preferred root canal treatment, regardless of the perforation size. The extent of pulp exposure and the type of permanent restoration influenced the treatment decision-making process.Yayın Effect of three bioceramic-based root-end filling materials on bacterial leakage of Enterococcus Faecalis(Türk Endotonti Derneği, 2023) Çiftçioğlu, Elif; Arıcan, Burçin; Işık, Vasfiye; Sertel Şelale, Deniz; Atalık, KevserAim: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of three different root-end filling materials, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA), EndoSequence BioCeramic Root-end Repair (EBCRR), and Biodentin, on bacterial leakage of Enterococcus faecalis. Materials and Methods: Sixty-six single-rooted human mandibular premolars with single canals were prepared up to 40#/.04 and filled with bioceramic-based Endosequence-BC sealer and 40# BC cones using the single cone method. After the setting, 60 teeth were randomly allocated to the experimental, 3 to positive, and 3 to negative control groups. After resecting the apical 3 mm, 3 mm depth cavities were prepared using an ultrasonic tip. The retrograde cavities were filled with MTA, EBCRR, and Biodentin, with 20 teeth in each experimental group. The teeth were fixed in Eppendorf tubes and sterilized with ethylene oxide. Suspensions of standard E. faecalis strains (ATCC29212) were coronally introduced, and Eppendorf tubes were fixed in sterile glass vials filled with brain heart infusion medium for bacterial growth. The medium was checked daily for turbidity. The observation was continued until there was no growth for 2 consecutive weeks. The samples with turbidity were identified, and checked whether the microorganism was E. faecalis or not. Each sample was scored according to the week the turbidity was observed (e.g., 1 point for the first week, 2 points for the second week). Samples with no growth were given the highest score. The Kruskall-Wallis test was used for statistical analyses. The significance level was set as p<0.05. Results: After 18 weeks (126 days) of follow-up, bacterial growth was detected in all groups except the negative control group. The scores were 8.60±6.23 for MTA, 7.35±3.34 for EBCRR, and 6.95±3.59 for Biodentin. The difference between the groups was insignificant (p=0.822). Conclusion: Although the MTA group had the least bacterial leakage during the follow-up period, none of the tested bioceramic-based root-end materials could prevent bacterial leakage of E. faecalis.Yayın Shaping ability of different file systems in maxillary premolars: A micro-computed tomography study(Türk Endotonti Derneği, 2023) Yeniçeri Özata, Merve; Falakaloğlu, Seda; Keleş, AliAim: To evaluate the shaping ability of 4 file systems; WaveOne Gold (WOG; Dentsply Sirona), Reciproc Blue (RB; VDW), ProTaper Next (PTN; Dentsply Sirona) and TruNatomy (TRN; Dentsply Sirona) using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) technology. Methodology: This study randomly separated twenty-four human maxillary premolars with two roots into four groups of 6 teeth. According to the manufacturer’s instructions, all root canal shaping was performed with WOG, RB, PTN, and TRN instruments. Micro-CT scanning was performed before and after preparation. The percentage of unprepared canal area, changing canal area (Δ canal area), percentage of changing canal area (%Δ canal area), changing canal volume (Δ canal volume), and percentage of changing canal volume (%Δ canal volume) were compared using one-way ANOVA and Welch’s ANOVA. At the same time, the 2D parameters (transportation and centering ability) were analyzed with the one-way ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis H tests. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: There was no significant difference between intra and inter-groups according to the apical, middle, and coronal levels in 2D centering ability and transportation parameters (p>0.05). No differences in the Δ canal area, Δ canal volume, %Δ canal volume, Δ SMI, and %Δ SMI were observed between the four groups. The percentage of the unprepared area was higher in the TRN group compared to the other three file systems (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the PTN, RB, and WOG groups regarding this parameter (p>0.05). The %Δ canal area was significantly higher in the WOG group than in the TRN and PTN groups (p<0.05). Although the %Δ canal area was numerically higher in the RB group, it was not statistically different from the PTN and TRN groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: All systems used in this study had similar shaping effectivity without clinically significant errors. TRN touched the lowest percentage of canal surface, and regarding the %Δ canal area, WOG was significantly higher.Yayın Measures to be taken in endodontic treatment in the COVID-19 outbreak(Livre De Lyon, 2020) Eti, Emre; Orguneser, Arman; Kamalak, Hakan; Urfalıoğlu, AykutEndodontics; It is a science that is multidisciplinary, including determination, irrigation, shaping and filling of root canals in three dimensions. Nowadays, developments in aesthetic dentistry is highligting the importance of keeping the tooth in the mouth and therefore endodontic treatment.Yayın Influence of different dentin conditioning protocols on bond strength of a bioceramic root canal filling(University of Zagreb, 2023) Çiftçioğlu, Elif; Barut, Güher; Işık, Vasfiye; Arıcan, Burçin; Karagöz-Küçükay, IşılObjective: Bioceramic-based sealers, in combination with bioceramic-coated gutta-perchas, have become more commonly used in root canal obturation. The present study aimed to assess the influence of laser-assisted dentin conditioning compared with conventional conditioning protocols on the push-out bond strength (PBS) of a bioceramic-based root canal filling. Material and Methods: Sixty extracted mandibular premolars with one root canal were instrumented with EndoSequence rotary files up to size 40/0.04. Four types of dentin conditioning protocols were used: 1) 5.25% NaOCl (control), 2) 17% EDTA+5.25% NaOCl, 3) Diode laser-agitated 17% EDTA+5.25% NaOCl, 4) Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation+5.25% NaOCl. Teeth were obturated using the single-cone technique with EndoSequence BC sealer+BC points (EBCF). After having obtained 1-mm-thick horizontal slices from the apical, middle and coronal root thirds, push-out test was carried out, and failure modes were determined. The data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s test with a significance level of p<0.05. Results: The apical segments showed the highest PBS in all groups (p<0.05). In the apical segments, EDTA+NaOCl and diode laser agitated EDTA increased the PBS compared to the control (p=0.0001) and Er, Cr: YSGG laser (p=0.011 and p=0.027, respectively) groups. Both laser-used groups revealed significantly higher PBS values in the middle and coronal segments than EDTA+NaOCl (p<0.05). The bond failure was predominantly cohesive without any significant difference among the groups (p>0.05). Conclusions: Laser-assisted dentin conditioning had distinct effects on the PBS of the EBCF at different root segments. Although Er, Cr: YSGG was ineffective in the apical segments, generally, laser-assisted dentin conditioning affected PBS more favorably than conventional irrigation groups, with a more pronounced effect in the diode laser-agitated EDTA group.Yayın Comparison of maximal bite force in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy: A prospective case-control study with 6-month follow-up(2022) Atar, Yavuz; Atar, Sevgi; Dıraçoğlu, Demirhan; Üstün, Onur; Kumral, Tolgar Lütfi; Aydoğdu, İmran; Tutar, Belgin; Sarı, Hüseyin; Ahmed, Esmail Abdulahi; Uyar, Yavuz; Berkiten, Mustafa; İnan, MuzafferObjective: This study investigated the early and late postoperative maximal bite force (MBF) values in pre-pubertal children undergoing adenotonsillectomy (AT) and compared them with healthy control. Methods: A total of children aged 6-12 years, diagnosed with chronic obstructive adenotonsillar hypertrophy (COATH), undergoing AT (n=30), and healthy controls (n=30) were included. The MBF and body mass index (BMI) were recorded for up to sixth months. The duration of active surgery was recorded. The visual analog scale (VAS) was applied to the patients for the pain on postoperative first and seventh days. Results: There was no significant difference in MBF values between the groups from the baseline to sixth month (p>0.05). A statistically strong positive correlation was observed between MBF and age (p<0.05). A significant difference was observed in MBF changes in patients with duratşon of active surgery more than 20 min compared with those with less from the baseline to the first month (p<0.05). In the study group, it was observed that there was a low and moderate correlation in the mean changes between the MBF and BMI in the first, 7th day, and 1st-month matches (p<0.05). The VAS scores did not show a significant correlation with the MBF values (p>0.05). Conclusion: The COATH and sex did not have a significant effect on MBF in pre-pubertal children, but age did. The postoperative MBF values were reached in the 1st month almost baseline values and there was a rapid increase between three and six months after AT. The prolonged operative time may affect MBF during one month postoperatively.Yayın Cervicofacial emphysema after a dental procedure: A case report(2023) Atar, Yavuz; Çelik, Cem; Berkiten, MustafaSubcutaneous emphysema is a complication that can occur after dental procedures. Air leaking under the skin can diffuse into various potential spaces. When it spreads to the cervicofacial area, a complaint of significant facial swelling may occur a few hours after the procedure or the next day. Leaking into potential spaces can cause life-threatening situations in some cases. Two of these situations are pneumomediastinum and mediastinitis. The mucogingival barrier is a keratinized, protective structure at the junction of the oral cavity mucosa and gingiva. Caused by high-speed air rotors used in dental procedures, this complication can occur due to interventions that damage the mucogingival barrier, such as tooth extraction, restorative treatment, and root canal treatment. The aforementioned traumatic treatments may create a defect in the barrier, and the air emitted by high-speed air rotors may leak under the skin. It is rare for this complication to occur without significant damage to the mucogingival barrier. Even if cervicofacial emphysema develops, progression to pneumomediastinum and mediastinitis is rare. Clinical findings such as a significant dyspnea, high fever, and low oxygen saturation may be detected in the patient with these complications, or the patient may be asymptomatic. We present a 42-year-old female patient who developed subcutaneous emphysema and asymptomatic pneumomediastinum after caries treatment in which only 1/4 of her enamel was excised without tooth extraction.