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  • Yayın
    Localization of the zygomaticotemporal foramen on the zygomatic bone and its relationship with other foramina
    (Harran University, 2024) Nteli Chatzioglou, Gkionoul; Nas, Emine; Coşkun, Osman; Kale, Ayşin; Gayretli, Özcan
    Background: The zygomaticotemporal foramen (ZTF) is located in the temporal surface of the zygomatic bone. The zygomaticotemporal branch, a zygomatic nerve (V2) branch, passes through it and distributes in the fore head and temporal region. The aim of our study was to determine the frequency of ZTF and its connections with other foramina in the zygomatic bone. Materials and Methods: A total of 171 unilateral zygomatic bones in the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University were included in our study. The number(s) of ZTF and its relationship with other foramina were determined. The distances between the ZTF and the marginal tubercle and frontozygomatic su ture were measured. Results: A total of 328 ZTFs were found in 171 zygomatic bones. In total, 95 of the 328 ZTFs were found to be connected to other foramina through a canal. The vertical distance between the ZTF and the marginal tubercle as well as the frontozygomatic suture were measured as mean 9.26+2.12mm and 21.78+2.48mm, respectively. The transverse distance from the ZTF and the marginal tubercle was measured as 5.46+1.56mm. Conclusions: he ZTF is an important anatomical component with implications for interventions on the zygomatic bone. The incidence and location of the ZTF may differ between individuals and between one side of the same individual. It has provided plastic surgeons and anaesthetists with detailed anatomical findings for the protec tion of the zygomaticotemporal nerves passing through the relevant foramen and thus at risk of injury.
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    New insights of cerium oxide nanoparticles in head and neck cancer treatment
    (Springer Nature, 2025) Tarakçı, Elif; Esmkhani, Sahra; Bayramova, Jamila; Bilgin, Feride Melisa; Kıdık, Kübra; Adıgüzel, Şevin; Tufan, Yiğithan; Yılmaz, Ahsen Morva; Yazıcı, Hülya; Duygulu, Özgür
    Head and neck cancer (HNC) is a genetically complex cancer type having treatment difficulties due to affecting multiple organs in complex anatomical sites. Radiotherapy resistance, chemotoxicity, post-surgery disability makes HNC treatment more complicated. Therefore, there is need to developed new treatment approaches. Nanoparticle-based therapies especially cerium oxide nanoparticles with its anti-cancer features, high catalytic activity, anti- or pro-oxidant and radio-protective properties give a boon for HNC treatment. In the current study, two dextran-coated cerium oxide nanoparticles (Dex-CeNPs) namely SD1 and SD2 were synthesized and characterized by using two types of dextran (D1 and D2) having distinct molecular weights and branching characteristics to understand their potential as a new HNC treatment strategy while evaluating the role of dextran type. The effectivity of the SD1 and SD2 on the HNC cell lines (A253, SCC-25, FaDu) were investigated by analyzing their cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation properties. Low IC50 value, high ROS generation and stability profiling of SD2 compared to SD1 indicates the distinct function of dextran type on Dex-CeNPs effectivity on HNC. To better elucidate the effectivity of SD2, flow cytometry analysis and pro-apoptotic (TP53, CASP3, BAX) and anti-apoptotic (Bcl-2) gene expression profiling were investigated in detail. The findings indicate that SD2 exhibits an influence on head and neck cancer cells via the apoptotic pathway. Our research sets the framework for the development of Dex-CeNPs as remarkable nanotherapeutic candidates for treatment of head and neck cancer.
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    Anatomical relationship between the profunda brachii artery and the radial nerve at the entrance and within the radial groove
    (Springer, 2025) Şanlıtürk, Yüsra Nur; Gayretli, Özcan; Zeybek, Nurşen; Öztürk, Adnan
    Purpose In this study, it was aimed to examine the relationship between the profunda brachii artery and the radial nerve at the entrance to and within the radial groove considering no comparable study was found in the literature. Method Dissection was performed in 44 upper extremities (21 right and 23 left) of 24 fixed cadavers used for medical edu cation at Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Anatomy. Results Profunda brachii artery was found to be a single artery in 39 extremities and a double artery in 5 extremities. In 27 cases with single PBA, the nerve was located superolateral to the PBA (Type A), and in 8 cases the nerve was located infero medial to the PBA (Type B). In all 5 extremities with double profunda brachii artery, the proximal branch was superolateral (Type A) and the distal branch was inferomedial (Type B). Conclusions This research will support surgeons understanding how to better anatomically and radiologically treat humeral fractures and lateral arm flap applications.
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    An anatomical investigation regarding the parietal foramen in 174 adult parietal bones
    (Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine Publications, 2025) Sağlam, Latif; Allahverdiyev, İrşad; Sordi, Ali Efruz; Öztürk, Adnan
    Objective: Investigating all anatomical aspects of the parietal foramen (PF) is essential. This study aimed to examine the anatomical features of the PF. Materials and Methods: A total of 174 dry adult human parietal bones (81 right and 93 left) were carefully examined. The frequency, shape, and direction of the PF were recorded. Measurements included the diameter of the PF (DPF), the distance of the PF to the sagittal suture (DSS), the distance of the PF to the occipital angle (DPO), and the length of the sagittal suture (LSS). Additionally, to determine the topography of the PF (TPF), the LSS/DPO ratio was calculated. The DPF was measured using needles of various diameters, while all distances were measured using a digital caliper. Results: Among the parietal bones, 112 (64.3%) had the PF, while 62 (35.7%) had none. A total of 118 PFs were identified on the 112 bones: 52 on the right side, 58 on the left side, and 8 on the sagittal suture. The foramen was single in 90.7% of cases, double in 6.8%, and triple in 2.5%. The parietal foramen appeared circular in 94.1% and oval in 5.9% of cases. Most foramina were oriented in a posteroanterior direction. The mean measurements for DPF, DSS, DPO, and LSS were 1.7±0.6 mm, 6.81±3.40 mm, 33.81±12.43 mm, and 108.94±6.91 mm, respectively. Additionally, the TPF was approximately 3:1. Conclusion: The data obtained in this study may be important for enhancing the success rate of invasive procedures involving the PF or its adjacent structures, as well as for reducing or preventing complications.
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    Evaluation of the falx cerebri from the perspective of the fenestra and its possible clinical outcomes
    (Istanbul University Press, 2025) Sağlam, Latif; Bayram, Melis; Gayretli, Özcan; Coşkun, Osman; Kale, Ayşin; Öztürk, Adnan
    Objective: The human falx cerebri is an important anatomical structure due to the hemispheres it is adjacent to and the dural venous sinuses it contains. It is also an important landmark in determining the midline in the interhemispheric transcallosal ap proach for lateral and third ventricular tumours in neurosurgical practises. Thus, the goal of this cadaveric study was to investi gate the existence, number, and topography of fenestra on the falx cerebri in the Turkish population. Material and Methods: For this study, 60 adult Turkish cadaveric dura maters were examined. The number of falx cerebris and the existence and topography of fenestra on the falx cerebri was de termined. The length and width of the fenestra were measured using a digital compass. Result: All falces cerebrum were single, and no double or triple falx cerebri were observed. There was fenestra on the falx cerebri in five cases (8.3% of all cases), and two of them included multi ple foramina (%40 of all fenestrae). In addition, one fenestra was on the middle part of the falx cerebri, whereas the other was placed on the posterior part of this partition. The mean length and width of these fenestrae were 23.3x7.5 mm. Conclusion: The novel findings documented in this study may be important to increase the success rate of diagnostic and op erative procedures of the falx cerebri or adjacent structures and to minimise intraoperative complications during neurosurgical applications.
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    A little-known vaginitis-like picture: Cytolytic vaginosis
    (Clinical Laboratory Publications, 2025) Kömeç, Selda; Aydın, Mustafa Derya
    Background: Cytolytic vaginosis (CV) is a condition characterized by an increase in lactobacilli in the vaginal flora, causing complaints of discharge, itching, dyspareunia, and dysuria. Since there are no antimicrobials in the treatment protocols of CV, the diagnostic and therapeutic criteria of which were first defined by Cibley, differential diagnosis of CV from other vaginitis agents will prevent unnecessary use of antimicrobials and recurrent com-plaints. In our study, we aimed to determine the frequency of CV in patients presenting with vaginitis complaints and the diagnostic accuracy of the diagnostic criteria. Methods: In total, 140 women, 103 with vaginitis complaints and 37 without vaginitis complaints, were examined for bacterial vaginosis (BV), vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), Trichomonas vaginalis (Tv), and CV. For the diagnosis of CV, vaginal pH ≤ 4.5, the presence of a large number of lactobacilli in Gram staining, the presence of false clue cells, cytolysis in vaginal epithelial cells, leukocyte deficiency or absence, absence of Tv, BV, or VVC were used. Results: Out of 103 patients, 30 (29.1%) had BV, 20 (19.4%) had VVC, 20 (19.4%) had CV, 5 (4.9%) had BV and VVC, and 4 (3.9%) had Tv. The sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic criteria were 80% and 99% for epithelial cytolysis, 70% and 99% for false clue cells, 100% and 86% for pH ≤ 4.5, and 100% and 56% for numerous lactobacilli, respectively. Conclusions: In Turkey and worldwide, CV is not considered in vaginitis cases. In our study, the high rate of 19.4% in vaginitis cases shows the need for comprehensive research on this subject.
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    Histological staining technics for identifying various structures for histological assessment of bone and cartilage healing
    (ICBH, 2023) Dikmen, Tayfun
    Bone and cartilage regeneration are challenging topics which the scientists are constantly looking for new approaches to eliminate current limitations of the traditional therapeutic methods which are being used. Cellular therapy and use of biomaterials for that purpose is providing encouraging results, especially in cases like osteoarthritis and bone healing. In such studies, the histological assessment of the healing of corresponding tissues are vital to determine to see if the developed method is indeed resulted with positive outcomes or not. Each tissue has some different distinctive structures that must be investigated during the healing process. There are several histological staining technics being used for the evaluation of the healing of bone and cartilage tissues by identifying the structures of interest. Among them, hematoxylin eosin staining comes forward as the most applied technic. However, it is not suitable to identify each and every important histological structure, and some specific staining technics are necessary to identify such structures like new bone formation areas, mineralized bone areas, glycosaminoglycan aggregates, collagen fiber formation, etc; regarding the aim of the research. In this study, bone and articular cartilage samples were taken and stained with Alcian blue staining, Picro-sirius red staining, Masson-Goldner’s trichrome staining, Movat’s pentachrome staining, von Kossa staining technics to identify different structures in bone and cartilage. The outcomes might help researchers to determine the appropriate staining technics to be used in their studies to fully demonstrate their findings.
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    CXCR1 gene SNP variability that affects mastitis resistance in Holstein cows in Türkiye
    (Kafkas Üniversitesi, 2025) Avanus, Kozet; Yılmaz, Alper; Güneş, Halil; Altınel, Ahmet; Ekiz, Bülent; Yalçıntan, Hülya; Keçici, Dilara; Doğan, Nurşen
    Genotyping 16 SNPs of C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 1 (CXCR1) gene region which affects host resistance against mastitis disease was carried out in Holstein cows raised in Türkiye. In this study, the frequency of the undesirable C allele in the CXCR1 c.771C>G polymorphic region, associated with an incomplete response, was found to be high. Additionally, the genotypes c.1016AA and c.1016GG, which contribute to mastitis resistance, were observed at low frequencies. Several SNP loci in the CXCR1 gene, including c.606G>A, c.678G>A, c.1104G>A, c.1119+6C, c.1119+7A, and c.1119+10, significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) (P<0.0001), indicating violations of HWE assumptions such as random mating and absence of selection. The deviations at c.606G>A, c.678G>A, and c.1104G>A suggest strong selection pressures, likely due to artificial selection in Holstein cattle. These variants are synonymous mutations that do not alter the amino acid sequence but may influence protein synthesis through effects on mRNA stability, splicing, or translation efficiency. Furthermore, the absence of heterozygotes at loci c.1119+6C, c.1119+7A, and c.1119+10, which are located on untranslated regions (UTRs), potentially affecting gene expression by regulating mRNA stability, localization, or translation initiation, points to genetic drift or population substructure. These findings are important for understanding genetic variability and can inform marker-assisted selection programs to enhance breeding strategies while preserving genetic diversity for traits like disease resistance and milk production.
  • Yayın
    Sex and income level can be determinants for meat attachment behavior among Turkish university students
    (AfAc Publisher, 2024) Günalan, Elif; Parmaksız, Ayhan; Mutlu, Hayrettin
    Background: The Meat Attachment Questionnaire (MAQ) is a scale to measure the positive bond in meat consumption. Aims: This study aimed to validate and assess reliability of the Turkish version of the MAQ and to explore its relationship with various factors, including sociodemographic characteristics, meat consumption habits, and subscales of the Green Eating Survey (GES). Subjects and Methods: The study was carried out with 214 university students. Participants completed the MAQ, the Food Frequency Questionnaire, and the GES. Statistical analyses including item analysis, Cronbach’s alpha, intraclass correlation coefficient test - retest reliability, one-way ANOVA, Welch ANOVA, t-test, Pearson’s correlation, and post hoc tests (Tukey’s HSD and Games-Howell), were performed using SPSS (version 26). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted with the lavaan (version 0.6 – 13) and semPlot (version 1.1.6) R packages. Results: All factor loadings were statistically significant, and high fit indices were obtained for the model tested in the second-order CFA model. (χ2 /df = 151,93/101 = 1.50; RMSEA = 0.05; SRMR = 0.08; NFI = 0.97; NNFI = 0.99; CFI = 0.99; GFI = 0.98; AGFI = 0.97). Significant differences were found in several MAQ subscale scores: hedonism, entitlement, dependence, and global scores were higher among men (p < 0.05). The entitlement score was significantly higher in the “income < expenses “group compared to the “income = expenses “group (p < 0.05). Participants with higher red meat and poultry consumption exhibited significantly higher hedonism, dependence, and global MAQ scores (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The Turkish version of the MAQ can be accepted as a reliable and valid scale for use among university students. While factors such as sex, income level, and meat consumption appear to influence MAQ scores, body mass index and green eating behaviors do not have a direct effect
  • Yayın
    Colorectal cancers and microsatellite instability
    (Türk Radyasyon Onkolojisi Derneği, 2025) Esmkhani, Sahra; Emrem, Mustafa; Şahin, Ali; Babayev, Hüseyn; Zeyneloğlu, Can; Ardıçlı, Sena; Yazıcı, Hilal; Yazıcı, Hülya
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a multifactorial disease arising from the complex interplay between genetic predisposition and environmental influences. Despite its widespread incidence globally, CRC demon strates favorable prognostic outcomes when detected at an early stage. Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a common molecular abnormality associated with colorectal tumorigenesis. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of the molecular mechanisms, clinical implications, therapeutic approaches, and immune system interactions in MSI-associated CRC (MSI-CRC). Molecular changes include DNA slippage, dysfunction in the DNA mismatch repair (dMMR) system, and genetic/epigenetic factors that contribute to MSI. Clinically, MSI-CRC is characterized by distinct phenotypic features, including associations with Lynch syndrome, specific diagnostic methodologies, and prognostic relevance. The therapeutic landscape highlights the promising efficacy of immunotherapies and targeted treatments, particularly in dMMR–MSI-H-CRC. Immune dynamics within the tumor microenvironment (TME) reveal patterns of immune infiltration, immune evasion strategies, and opportunities to enhance the effectiveness of immunotherapy. Understanding these interrelated aspects is critical for developing tai lored therapeutic strategies and improving patient outcomes in MSI-CRC
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    Comparison of stem cell CD45/34 fluorescence intensity with stem cell mobilization in patients under and over 65 years of age
    (2024) Meriç, Neslihan; Parmaksız, Ayhan; Gülbaş, Zafer
    In our research, we attempted to compare CD45/34 MFI (Mean Fluorescent Intensity) in patients younger and over 65 years of age with hematopoietic stem cell mobilization (HSCM).The research involved a group of 76 individuals who had different types of cancer and were identified at the Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) Unit of Anadolu Medical Center Hospital from 2015 to 2016. To mobilize HSCs, participants were administered daily granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) (10 µg/kg/day) under the skin for 7-8 days. Calculating the appropriate level of peripheral blood (PB) CD34+ took into account the patients' WBC (White Blood Cell) counts. Our research revealed that HSCM patients above 65 had statistically greater CD45/34 MFI values than those under that age. Although the age factor for HSCM is important, according to our findings, age is not seen as a negative mobilization factor for HSCM in patients aged 65 and over, and should be supported by larger studies. Our research revealed that patients over 65 who underwent HSCM had statistically greater CD45/34 MFI values than younger patients. Given the decline in SC production observed in individuals aged 65 and above, along with the potential for other accompanying diseases, our results hold promise for elderly patients. However, it is important to validate these findings through multicenter studies with a larger patient population, while also taking into account the presence of other subsequent diseases in the patients under observation.
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    Distribution of branches of anterior choroidal artery in the uncus: An anatomical study
    (Springer, 2024) Kaçur, İdil; Nteli Chatzioglou, Gkionoul; Nas, Emine; Şahan, Orhun; Kale, Ayşin; Çakır, Halit; Coşkun, Osman; Gayretli, Özcan
    The aim of our study was to examine the relationship between uncus and uncal branches of anterior choroidal artery (AChA) and to observe the morphological and morphometric features of these branches. 124 hemispheres from 62 fresh cadavers were included in the study. Measurement of the length of AChA and the distances of the uncal branches to the origin of AChA were measured by ImageJ software. Morphological variations of uncal branches originating from AChA were observed. The length of AChA was found as mean 26.24 ± 4.34 mm. It was determined that the average distance of these uncal branches arising from the AChA was 13.48 ± 7.31 mm. In 4 out of 124 AChAs, no branches were observed. 594 branches originating from 120 were detected. 130/594 branches appeared to be terminal branches. AChAs of 80/120 hemispheres have been reported to have uncal branches. Thirty of 130 uncal branches were observed to originate as the first branch of AChA. It was found that uncal branches may originate from AChA with a variability between 1 and 4. When evaluated according to the origin of each branch from the AChA, it was observed that the uncal branches originated from the midpoint of the AChA on average. Also, in 64 hemispheres, morophological variations were detected regarding the origin of uncal branches. We believe that the morphological and morphometric data we obtained from the uncal branches of the AChA are of clinical importance in terms of understanding this complex region and minimizing errors in surgical procedures.
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    RNA splicing aberrations in hereditary cancer: Insights from Turkish patients
    (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024) Kılıç, Seda; Şükrüoğlu Erdoğan, Özge; Tuncer, Şeref Buğra; Çelik Demirbaş, Betül; Yalnız Kayım, Zübeyde; Yazıcı, Hülya
    The process of RNA splicing is fundamental in contributing to proteomic diversity and regulating gene expression. Dysregulation of splicing is associated with various human disorders, including cancer. Through functional studies, this study sought to examine the potential impact of seven variants within six inherited cancer-related genes on RNA splicing patterns in Turkish cancer patients. Upon detecting variants using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), we used Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and Sanger sequencing to elucidate the effects of these variants on splicing. Three of the seven variants demonstrated no discernible effect on RNA, while four exhibited pathogenic characteristics. Specifically, the variants APC c.532-1G>A rs1554072547, BRCA1c.4358-3A>G rs1567779966, BRCA2c.7436-1G>C rs81002830 and MSH3c.1897- 1G>A rs1744149615 were identified as pathogenic, while the variants BLMc.4076+4T>G rs183176301, RB1c.2489+2T>C rs1555294636 and RB1c.1050-2A>G rs? were found to be benign from a splicing perspective. These findings highlight the importance of verifying the precise consequences of splice site variants through experimental analysis, given their potential implications for genetic disorders and cancer predisposition. This research contributes to the understanding of splice-site variants in inherited cancer predisposition, particularly among Turkish cancer patients. It emphasizes the necessity for further exploration into the mechanisms and functional consequences of alternative splicing for potential therapeutic interventions in cancer.
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    Characterizing the amniotic fluid-derived stem cells and optimizing the passage number for targeted applications
    (Faculty Of Veterinary Science, University Of Agriculture, 2024) Dikmen, Tayfun; Erdoǧan, Metin; Altunbaş, Korhan
    Mesenchymal stem cells are considered potent sources that can be used for tissue regeneration and treatment of various diseases and syndromes. Among the mesenchymal stem cells, amniotic fluid-derived stem cells come forward as they possess some pluripotent properties and there are no serious ethical concerns upon their derivation. Therefore, gaining a better understanding of the nature of amniotic fluid stem cells is important. Although it is known that stem cells show slightly different characteristics between passages, scientists often consider only cell numbers and the proliferation pattern of the cells when deciding the passage to use in their studies. In this study, it was aimed to characterize rat amniotic fluid-derived stem cells for their mesenchymal and pluripotent features and make inter-passage comparisons by real-time qPCR to reveal their distinctions between different passages, and eventually help decide the appropriate passage numbers to be used in future research. The outcomes of the study showed that using rat amniotic fluid-derived stem cells at P5 could be beneficial for mesodermal differentiation studies and using them in earlier passages may be more favorable for the studies requiring better ectodermal differentiation properties.
  • Yayın
    Anatomical and morphometric features of the profunda brachii artery
    (Medrang, 2024) Şanlıtürk, Yüsra Nur; Zeybek, Nurşen; Gayretli, Özcan; Öztürk, Adnan
    When the literature is examined, studies evaluating the profunda brachii artery (PBA) are limited as most studies only investigate the artery’s origin. In 44 upper extremities belonging to 24 human anatomical specimens, single and double PBAs were observed in 39 and five cases, respectively. In cases with a single PBA, the origin was the brachial artery (BA) in 35 cases and the posterior circumflex humeral artery in four cases. In cases with double PBAs, the artery’s origin was the BA. Morphometric measurements of single and double arteries originating from the first branch BA were evaluated separately and compared according to sex and side. Our study, in which the PBA was examined morphologically and morphometrically, contributes to the literature anatomically and radiologically in treating humerus fractures and lateral arm-flap applications by surgeons.
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    The course of the phrenic nerve in the neck region and its relationship with adjacent anatomical structures in the thoracic inlet
    (Springer, 2024) Yıldız, Nilay; Nteli Chatzioglou, Gkionoul; Coşkun, Osman; Kale, Ayşin; Gayretli, Özcan
    Pupose: This study aims to reveal the relationship of the phrenic nerve (PhN) with its neighboring structures in the lower neck region more comprehensively than previous studies and to minimize nerve damage by enabling invasive procedures in this region to be performed with high accuracy. Methods: Forty-one heminecks were evaluated. The relationship between the PhN and the anterior scalene muscle (ASM), internal thoracic artery (ITA), branches of subclavian artery (SA) and subclavian vein (SV) was examined. Results: It was observed that the PhN was located medial to the ASM in all cases. The distances were higher in male cadavers. The PhN was found to enter the thorax lateral to the ITA in 15/41 and medial to it in 25/41 sides. In 17/41 cases, the closest SA branch to the PhN was the thyrocervical trunk (TT) and in 24 cases the ITA. The PhN was located behind the SV in 38 cases and in front of it in 2 cases.The accessory PhN was found in 4/41 sides. There was no significant difference in morphometric findings between genders (p > 0.05). However, significant differences were observed between the parameters (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The anatomy and variations of the PhN are of great importance in surgical interventions and invasive procedures in the neck region. The study provides important information to reduce the risk of damage to the PhN in surgical procedures. In addition, knowledge of the anatomical variations of the nerve may contribute to more successful results in nerve grafting and other surgical applications.
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    Managing CDH1 cancer risks in a child: Complex decision making in a family with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer
    (Wiley, 2025) Ağaoğlu, Nihat Buğra; Hatırnaz Ng, Özden; Zemheri, İtir Ebru; Ünal, Büşra; Gerenli, Nelgin; Tosun, İlkay; Yazıcı, Hülya; Özbek, Uğur; Kamihara, Junne; Rana, Huma Q.
    Germline pathogenic variants (PVs) in CDH1 cause hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. The management of CDH1 cases with a positive family history includes total prophylactic gastrectomy or intensive surveillance. In this study, we report a 16-year-old boy with intramucosal gastric signet ring cells in the setting of a germline CDH1 PV and a family history of early-onset gastric cancer. The approach to managing both the proband and their 9-year-old sister, who also had the CDH1 PV, presented a challenge to both clinicians and the family. Herein, we present the complexities of managing gastric cancer risk when a CDH1 PV is identified in childhood in the setting of a family history of early-onset gastric cancer.
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    Clinical implications of aberrant anatomy of the common hepatic duct in liver surgery: a systematic review and meta‑analysis
    (Springer, 2024) Valenzuela‑Fuenzalida, Juan José; Avalos‑Díaz, Constanza; Droguett‑Utreras, Antonia; Guerra‑Loyola, Javier; Nova‑Baeza, Pablo; Orellana‑Donoso, Mathias; Suazo‑Santibañez, Alejandra; Oyanedel‑Amaro, Gustavo; Sanchis‑Gimeno, Juan; Bruna‑Mejias, Alejandro; Nteli Chatzioglou, Gkionoul
    Introduction: Knowledge of anatomical variants that affect the hepatic duct (HD) are of particular clinical relevance during hepatobiliary surgical procedures. More specifically, the aberrant anatomy of the common HD is the most common anatomical variation affecting the biliary tree. Below, we describe different classifications of anatomical variants that affect this canal. According to Huang's classification, variations are determined depending on the insertion of the right posterior hepatic duct (RPHD). Materials and methods: Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, CINAHL, and LILACS databases were investigated until January 2024. The methodological quality was assessed with an anatomical studies assurance tool (AQUA). Pooled prevalence was estimated using a random effects model. For the subgroup analysis, Student's T-test was used. Results: The prevalence rate of aberrant hepatic duct (AHD) was 15% (confidence interval [CI] of 7-22%). The first subgroup had cadavers and images. For the cadavers, the prevalence was 15.83% (CI: 11.22-18.3%), while the images had a prevalence of 22.06% (CI: 18.12-25.33%). This subgroup analysis showed no statistically significant difference between these groups (p = 0.127). The second subgroup comprised the continents where the included studies were from. In this subgroup, no statistically significant differences were found (p = 0.613). Finally, regarding the right or left laterality of the HD variant, there were no statistically significant differences (p = 0.089). Conclusion: A AHD corresponds to a finding that can occur in a significant percentage of our society, which could be an accidental discovery during surgeries or present asymptomatically throughout life and be a cadaveric discovery later. We believe it is important for surgeons to have prior knowledge of the possible variants of HD to prevent possible complications during and after surgery.
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    Absans epilepside fizyolojik ve biyokimyasal değişikliklere genel bakış
    (Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları, 2023) Hanikoğlu, Ayşegül; Kaya, Gül Büşra; Delen, Elif; Bilgili, Ali; Hanedan, Başak
    Epilepsi kavramının bir hastalık olduğu düşüncesi ilk defa Mısır ve eski Babil İmparatorluğu döneminde ortaya çıkmıştır (Bennewitz & Saltzman, 2009). Uluslararası Epilepsi ile Savaş Derneği (ILAE) meydana gelen nöbetleri “Beyindeki anormal aşırı ya da eş zamanlı nöronal aktiviteye bağlı belirtilerin geçici olarak ortaya çıkması” şeklinde ifade etmiştir (J. Y. Liu et al., 2012). Dünya geneline bakıldığında ortalama 65 milyon kadar epilepsi hastası mevcuttur. Epilepsi nöbetleri ile ilgili komorbiditeler sıklıkla görülmekte olup, mortalite oranlarında ise ciddi bir artış meydana gelmiştir. Aynı zamanda bu tarz etkilerin artarak görülmesi, epilepsiden muzdarip olan bireylerin ekonomik anlamda zor durumda kalmalarına sebep olmaktadır (Coppola, Iapadre, Operto, & Verrotti, 2017; Joan YW Liu et al., 2012). Hastalığın gidişatına bağlı olarak, nöbet geçiren bireylerin günlük aktiviteleri kısıtlı hale gelmekte ve bu bireylerin öğrenmede sıklıkla zorluk yaşadığı da görülmektedir. Bunun yanında, epilepsi insidansı çok yüksek ve genel olarak tedavi için imkânlar kısıtlı olup, bireyler tedavi olanaklarından yeterli ölçüde yararlanamamaktadır (Temkin, 1994).
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    Neisseria cinsi
    (Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, 2023) Akgün Karapınar, Bahar; Aydın, Mustafa Derya; Ağaçfidan, Ali
    Nelsseriaaceae ailesinde bulunan Neisseria cinsi bakteriler Gram negatif diplokok şeklinde bakterilerdir. Bakteriler böbrek, kahve tanesi veya fasulye şeklindedirler ve içbükey yüzeyleri birbirine bakan ikili gruplar halinde bulunurlar. Birçok tür bulunmasına karşın N.gonorrhoeae ve N.meningitidis insanda hastalık etkeni olan patojen türlerdir.