Competência emocional na área de enfermagem
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João Pessoa PB: Faculdade de Enfermagem Nova Esperança
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Profissões que exigem interações constantes com terceiros são geralmente desafiadoras e estressantes. Uma dessas profissões é a enfermagem. Profissionais de enfermagem estão sempre interagindo com pacientes, seus familiares e outros membros da equipe multidisciplinar. Especialmente em situações emergenciais ou críticas, como o atual momento pandêmico, o profissional de enfermagem é muito exigido, não só fisicamente, mas também emocionalmente. Profissionais de enfermagem devem ter competência emocional para identificar e gerenciar seus próprios sentimentos à medida que interagem de maneira empática. O desenvolvimento de habilidades emocionais irá favorecer a prestação de um cuidado qualificado e proteger a saúde psicossocial dos profissionais de enfermagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi fazer uma reflexão sobre a competência emocional do profissional de enfermagem. Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa baseada na leitura, análise e interpretação de artigos científicos sobre competência emocional na área de enfermagem disponíveis na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS). Observou-se a importância da competência emocional, tanto para profissionais, como para estudantes de enfermagem. O papel do gerente de enfermagem também é crucial enquanto mentor e modelo para sua equipe, devendo, portanto ter habilidades para identificar e controlar seus próprios sentimentos e atentar para as emoções dos outros. Conclui-se que assuntos envolvendo a competência emocional devem ser mais discutidos nos cursos de enfermagem. Além disso, treinamentos em serviço relacionados ao tema precisam ser ministrados nas instituições de saúde para que o profissional de enfermagem possa prestar um cuidado eficaz e eficiente enquanto preserva sua saúde.
Professions that require constant interactions with other individuals are often challenging and stressful. One of these professions is nursing. Nursing professionals are always interacting with patients, their families, and other members of the multidisciplinary team. Especially in emergencies or critical situations, such as the current pandemic moment, the nursing professional is very demanding, not only physically, but also emotionally. Nursing professionals must have the emotional competence to identify and manage their own feelings as they interact in an empathic way. The development of emotional skills will favor the delivery of qualified care and protect the psychosocial health of nursing professionals. The objective of this study was to reflect on the emotional competence of the nursing professional. This is a narrative review based on the reading, analysis, and interpretation of scientific articles on emotional competence in the field of nursing available in the Virtual Health Library (VHL). The importance of emotional competence was observed for both nursing professionals and students. The role of the nurse manager is also crucial as a mentor and a role model for their team, and therefore they must have the skills to identify and control their own feelings and to be attentive to the emotions of others. It is concluded that issues involving emotional competence should be better discussed in nursing courses. In addition, in-service training related to the topic should be given in health institutions so that nursing professionals can provide effective and efficient care while preserving their health.
Professions that require constant interactions with other individuals are often challenging and stressful. One of these professions is nursing. Nursing professionals are always interacting with patients, their families, and other members of the multidisciplinary team. Especially in emergencies or critical situations, such as the current pandemic moment, the nursing professional is very demanding, not only physically, but also emotionally. Nursing professionals must have the emotional competence to identify and manage their own feelings as they interact in an empathic way. The development of emotional skills will favor the delivery of qualified care and protect the psychosocial health of nursing professionals. The objective of this study was to reflect on the emotional competence of the nursing professional. This is a narrative review based on the reading, analysis, and interpretation of scientific articles on emotional competence in the field of nursing available in the Virtual Health Library (VHL). The importance of emotional competence was observed for both nursing professionals and students. The role of the nurse manager is also crucial as a mentor and a role model for their team, and therefore they must have the skills to identify and control their own feelings and to be attentive to the emotions of others. It is concluded that issues involving emotional competence should be better discussed in nursing courses. In addition, in-service training related to the topic should be given in health institutions so that nursing professionals can provide effective and efficient care while preserving their health.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Enfermeiras Administradoras, Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros, Inteligência Emocional, Relações Interpessoais, Nurse Administrators, Nurses, Emotional Intelligence, Interpersonal Relations
Revista de Ciências da Saúde Nova Esperança
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aydoğdu, A. L. F. (2022). Competência emocional na área de enfermagem. Revista de Ciências da Saúde Nova Esperança, 20(2), pp. 141-147.