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  • Yayın
    Perceived social support and depression, anxiety and stress in pregnant women diagnosed with foetal anomaly
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2024) Mecdi Kaydırak, Meltem; Balkan, Elif; Bacak, Nilgül; Kızoğlu, Filiz
    Aim: To examine the relationship between perceived social support level and depression, anxiety and stress in pregnant women diagnosed with foetal anomaly. Design/Methods: This descriptive and correlational study was conducted in an advanced prenatal evaluation unit of a university hospital between December 2021 and May 2022. The study data collected from 131 pregnant women through a personal information form, depression, anxiety and stress scale (DASS-42) and multidimensional scale of perceived social support (MSPSS). Results: Most of the pregnant women were in the second trimester of pregnancy, and more than half had been advised by a healthcare professional to terminate their pregnancy. Overall, the pregnant women reported moderate levels of social support, while their depression, anxiety and stress levels varied. There was a weak negative correlation between perceived social support from family, friends and multidimensional sources with stress, but the effect rate was low. Conclusion: Most pregnant women diagnosed with foetal anomaly have normal levels of depression, stress and anxiety. There is a weak negative correlation between perceived social support and stress, with family and friend support affecting stress levels at a low rate. Professional support should be provided, and both the woman's mental health and social support mechanisms must be evaluated. Impact: This study highlights the importance of social support in managing stress among pregnant women with foetal anomalies. While most women had normal levels of depression, anxiety and stress, increased social support from family and friends was shown to reduce stress. The findings underscore the need for healthcare professionals to assess and strengthen mental health and social support systems in this vulnerable population, informing interventions to improve psychosocial outcomes. Reporting Method: This descriptive and correlational study adhered to the CONSORT guidelines for reporting non-randomised trials. Patient or Public Contribution: No patient or public contribution.
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    Perspectives of nurse leaders regarding time management in nursing: Qualitative research
    (Yönetici Hemşireler Derneği, 2024) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira
    Aim: To describe the experiences and opinions of nurses in leadership positions about time management and provide recommendations to avoid wasting time in the nursing field. Method: This is a qualitative descriptive study. It involved self-descriptions of open-ended questions of 32 nurses in leadership positions from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Data were interpreted through content analysis. Results: Data were organized into five themes: (1) Factors that facilitate time management in nursing, (2) Factors that hinder time management in nursing, (3) Impairments to care due to inappropriate use of time, (4) Differences in relation to other health professions, and (5) Measures for optimizing time management in nursing. Conclusion: Nursing shortages, work overload, intercurrences, disorganization, and distractions are barriers to managing time. Nurse participants feel undervalued, have low salaries, and need to have more than one job to maintain themselves, and all these factors are obstacles to the adequate allocation of time that threaten the quality of care.
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    Interpersonal conflicts in nursing through the lens of senior nursing students: A qualitative study
    (Elsevier, 2025) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira; Dişbudak, Büşra
    Background Unmanaged interpersonal conflicts emerge as significant obstacles for the nursing team during daily duties. Observations and discussions with nursing undergraduate students determined the need to explore their perspectives on conflict management in greater depth. Objective To investigate the perspectives of senior undergraduate nursing students on conflicts experienced by nurses during clinical practice, as well as the strategies employed to manage these conflicts. Design This is a qualitative descriptive study. Participants The study involved written interviews with 31 senior undergraduate nursing students from a university in Istanbul, Turkey. Methods Data were collected between November 23, 2023, and December 4, 2023. Thematic analysis was used. Results Four themes emerged: (1) Causes of conflicts, (2) Methods for resolving conflicts, (3) Nurse managers' approaches, and (4) Student learning through observation. The themes were organized under 13 sub-themes: ineffective communication, absence of a singular goal, misunderstanding in role boundaries, and lack of professionalism (first theme); transparent communication, absolute loss, integration, and softening (second theme); autonomy in conflict resolution and seeking other professionals to manage conflicts (third theme); positive side of the conflict, negative side of the conflict, and how I would act if I were the nurse manager (fourth theme). Conclusions Nursing students know that staff nurses and nurse managers play crucial roles in conflict management. Communication issues were identified as significant causes of conflicts. Open communication and the active involvement of nurse managers were determined as essential for effective conflict resolution. Positive outcomes of conflicts included changes in attitudes; however, conflicts were also acknowledged as contributors to workplace stress. The study underscores the importance of equipping nurses with conflict resolution skills through practical educational approaches.
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    Yaşlılıkta travma sonrası stres bozuklukları ve profesyonel yaklaşım
    (Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2023) Tekaüt, Aslı; Özcan, Celale Tangül; Bulut Uğurlu, Nezihe; Çiçekoğlu Öztürk, Pınar
    Yaşlanma; organizmada hücre, doku ve sistemler bazında zamanla beliren, geriye dönüşü olmayan değişikliklerin tümünü kapsayan bir süreçtir. Bu süreç doğumla başlar ve organizmada birtakım değişikliklerin kendini göstermesiyle devam eder (1). Yaşlanma ile bireyde oluşan fizyolojik ve anatomik değişikliklerin genel işleyişi etkilemesiyle; duyusal zayıflıklar, kronik hastalıklar ve ruhsal problemler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Ülkemizde ortalama yaşam süresinin artmasıyla birlikte yaşlı nüfus artmakta ve yaşlılıkla ilişkili sorunlar da giderek daha çok önem kazanmaktadır (2).
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    Ebelikte bilişim teknolojileri ve sanal gerçeklik
    (İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi, 2023) Yazıcı, Saadet; Aydın Doğan, Reyhan; Hüseyinoğlu, Sebahat; Aktaş, Songül; Aksoy Derya, Yeşim; Toker, Eylem
    Bilişim, sosyal, ekonomik ve toplumsal alanlardaki verileri işitmek ve mümkün olan en hızlı şekilde kullanmak için teknoloji ve donanımın nasıl kullanılacağını açıklayan bir bilim dalıdır. Bilişim, bilgiyi yönetmekle ilgilidir. Bilişim bilgisayarlarla ilişkilendirilmektedir. Bu ilişkilendirme eğilimi, bilgiyi yönetme yeteneğinin bilgisayarla birlikte dogması ve bilgisayarların daha güçlü ve yaygın hale gelmesi gerçeğinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, insan zekası, bilişimin en önemli noktandır. "Bilişim" terimi, Rusça "informatika" teriminden türemiştir. 1968'de yayınlanan bir Rus yayını olan Oznovy Informatiki (Enformatik Temelleri), genel bilişim disiplininin kökenini olarak kabul edilir. O zamanlar, bu terim bilgisayarla ilişkilendirilmekteydi. Batı'da bilişimi tanımlayan ilk terim ise "tıbbi bilişim" olmuştur. Tıbbi bilişim kavramı, hasta bakımı ve tıbbi karar verme süreci ile ilgili bilgi teknolojileri kullanımını ifade etmektedir. Ayrıca tıbbi bilişim, bilgisayar tarafından yeni bilgiler olmamak için karmaşık yetilerin yeniden işlenmesi anlamını da kapsamaktadır.
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    Menopozda ilaç dışı (Non-Farmakolojik yaklaşımlar)
    (Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2023) Kurşun, Nilgül; Hotun Şahin, Nevin; Mecdi Kaydırak, Meltem
    Menopozda kadın sıcak basmaları, uyku sorunları, cinsel işlev bozukluğu gibi vazomotor, fizyolojik ve psikososyal pek çok sıkıntı yaşayabilir. Menopozal dönemde semptomların giderilmesinde kadınlar hormon tedavisine yönelik bildiği yanlış bilgiler ve mitler nedeniyle sıklıkla non-farmakolojik yöntemlere yönelmektedirler. Menopozda ilaç dışı (non-farmakolojik) yaklaşımlar dünya çapında binlerce yıldır kullanılmaktadır. Menopoz semptomlar: için kadınlar tarafından sıklıkla tercih edilen ilaç dışı yöntemlerin riskleri ve yararları konusunda sağlık çalışanlarının bilgisinin olması kadınlara rehberlik etmek açısından önemlidir.
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    Nurses’ perceptions of nursing management: A metaphorical analysis
    (Elsevier, 2024) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira
    Background Nursing management encompasses actions such as planning, organising, commanding, coordinating, and controlling, all of which directly impact staff satisfaction and the quality of care provided in healthcare institutions. Therefore, the experience and qualifications of nurse managers are indispensable. Despite nursing management being taught in nursing schools through both theoretical and practical classes, gaps in the field are still evident, and even conceptualising the process can be challenging. Aim To describe nurses’ perceptions of nursing management through metaphors. Methods This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach that involved a total of 84 participants (47 staff nurses and 37 nurse managers). Data were collected online in Brazil between February 10, 2024, and March 25, 2024, through Google Forms. The metaphor analysis technique was used. Findings Technical, interpersonal, and conceptual skills, as well as basic management functions, were identified through the metaphors of staff nurses and nurse managers. The categories of metaphors for ‘nurse manager’ are as follows: ‘Leadership and guidance’, ‘Coordination and balance’, ‘Adaptation and flexibility’, ‘Support and empathy’, and ‘Vision and vigilance’. The categories of metaphors for ‘nursing management’ are as follows: ‘Obstacles and strategic planning’, ‘Coordination and harmony’, and ‘Balance and control’. Discussion Nurse managers should act as role models for the other members of their teams. The lack of certain skills in nurse managers and failures in some functions of nursing management indicate that the selection and education of nurse managers deserve special attention. Conclusion Both staff nurses and nurse managers are aware of the important role played by nursing management in the well-being of the team and the quality of care, consequently, in the success of healthcare institutions. Healthcare institutions must be rigorous in choosing their nurse managers. Additionally, educational institutions must pay attention to the theoretical teaching and practical education of nurses to effectively perform nursing management.
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    Son beş yıla gündem olan konuların Türkiye’de hemşirelik hizmeti sunumuna yansımaları
    (Dünya Kongre, 2024) Kökkız, Rukiye; Avan Çınar, Derya; İnangil, Demet; Yalçın Atar, Nurdan
    Bakım hemşirelik mesleğinin temelinde yer almakta ve hemşirelik uygulamaları ile özel bir nitelik kazanmaktadır. Hemşirelik mesleğine özgü olan hemşirelik bakımı, değişen toplum dinamikleri ve teknolojik gelişmeler ile kendini güncellemektedir. Hemşirelik bakımının taşıdığı anlam hep aynı olsa da bakım hizmetinin sunumunda oluşan değişimlerin takip edilmesi önemlidir. Bu nedenle sağlık bakımında güncel gelişmelerin izlenmesi amacıyla ülkemizde hemşirelik bakımında son beş yılın gündemini oluşturan araştırmaların derlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Derlemeye konu olan araştırmalara “hemşirelik bakımı, Covid-19, kanıta dayalı uygulamalar, sağlık teknolojisi ve afet” anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak ulaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmalar incelendiğinde, altı başlık altında kategorize edilmiştir. Bunlar; bireyselleştirilmiş bakım, karşılanmamış hemşirelik bakımı, Covid-19 ve hemşirelik bakımı, teknoloji ve hemşirelik bakımı, kanıta dayalı hemşirelik bakımı, afetler ve hemşirelik bakım uygulamalarıdır. Yapılan araştırmalar incelendiğinde bireyi etkileyen tüm gelişmeler ister teknolojik gelişmeler gibi olumlu ister salgın hastalıklar gibi olumsuz olsun, hemşireliğin odağı birey olduğu için hemşirelik bakım sunumunu etkilemektedir. Hemşireler tüm bu gelişmeleri takip ederek bakıma yansıtabilmeli ve mesleği geliştirmek için araştırmalar yapmalı bu araştırmalar sonucunda da gerekli düzenlemeleri yapabilmek için rol ve sorumluluk almalıdırlar.
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    Occupational stress among nurses across diverse healthcare services: a cross-sectional study
    (Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), 2024) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira
    Objective: to investigate the levels of occupational stress among nurses working in different healthcare services in Brazil. Method: this is a cross-sectional study with data collected from 416 nurses between May 31, 2023, and January 31, 2024, through an online questionnaire covering sociodemographic variables and the Work Stress Scale. Data analysis was conducted using PSPP version 1.6.2-g78a33a. The Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were applied. Results: the majority of nurses (61.5%) presented high levels of occupational stress. The sub-dimensions “Autonomy and control” (2.92 ± 0.95), “roles and work environment” (2.77 ± 1.01) and “growth and recognition” (2.76 ± 1.11) of the Work Stress Scale showed the highest scores of stress. There was no significant relationship between the nurses’ sociodemographic variables and their occupational stress scores (p>0.05). Conclusion: structural and cultural changes are crucial for reducing the level of occupational stress among nurses. The study emphasizes the key role of healthcare administrators and nurse managers in promoting healthier and more collaborative work environments through effective management and leadership.
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    Work engagement among nurses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review
    (SAGE Publications, 2024) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira
    BackgroundDespite nurses receiving education on how to respond during crises, the stress and demands arising from unprecedented situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, may affect their work engagement. AimTo appraise and synthesize studies examining work engagement among nurses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. MethodsIt is a systematic review in which three databases were searched. Critical appraisal tools and PRISMA guidelines were used. Content analysis was performed. Ethical considerationsEthical approval was not required for this systematic review. FindingsA total of 21 studies were included. The results were classified into three categories: (1) levels and meanings of work engagement, (2) the relationship of work engagement with various factors, and (3) measures to enhance work engagement. ConclusionThe review revealed that nurses’ work engagement varied from moderate to high. Factors such as education level and work schedule flexibility influenced their engagement. Positive associations were found between work engagement and job satisfaction, intention to stay, and organizational support, while stress and workload showed negative relationships. The crucial role of health policymakers, hospital administrators, and nurse managers in acting ethically, creating favorable working conditions and fostering nurses’ work engagement was emphasized.
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    The importance of human resource management in nursing
    (Medical Journal of Europe, 2024) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira
    The healthcare sector is constantly evolving, facing the challenge of adapting to the continuous emergence of new diseases, treatments, and methods of prevention and health promotion. It is a sector where there is competition to provide rapid and effective care to a population increasingly seeking health education and their rights in general. In this dynamic and complex sector, the most valuable resource for organizations is undoubtedly the qualified healthcare professional. There are several professional groups working in healthcare institutions that must coordinate to provide assistance to patients and the community. However, among these professional groups, nursing stands out as the most representative, constantly by the patients’ side. The aim of this theoretical reflection was to emphasize the importance of human resource management in the nursing field. This reflection was based on reading, analysis, and interpretation of scientific texts found in diverse databases. The continuity of nursing care is crucial for patient safety, highlighting the need for efficient human resource management. Workforce planning, recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits management, training and development, performance management, and team relationship management are some of the activities involved in human resource management. When human resource management in nursing is carried out adequately, nurses work with greater satisfaction, and the quality of care increases, as well-managed human resources lead to equity, autonomy, and competence, promoting healthy interpersonal interactions. On the other hand, failures in this process can result in staff shortages, absenteeism, high turnover, errors in practice, and lack of commitment to the profession, compromising the well-being of the nursing team and the quality of care. It is, therefore, evident that administrators of healthcare institutions and nurse managers play crucial roles in the development and maintenance of effective and efficient human resource management processes in the nursing field.
  • Yayın
    Sharps injuries among nurses: Challenges and implications in practice
    (Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, 2024) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira; Kazankaya, Ahmet; Ateş, Mevlüde Alev
    Nurses are essential healthcare workers for the delivery of quality care. Therefore, these professionals must feel secure in the workplace. However, nursing is among the professions that suffer the most from workplace accidents. The most common occurrences involve sharps injuries. The objectives of this review were to explore and discuss aspects related to sharps injuries among nurses based on information available in the literature. This is an integrative review. The search for original articles of primary research was conducted in the first week of January 2024, in the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection database. The review was framed around the following question: “What is the literature’s perspective on sharps injuries among nurses?” A total of 12 articles were found, of which seven were included. The selected articles were evaluated using the critical appraisal tool for cross-sectional analytical studies from the Joanna Briggs Institute. It was identified that the occurrence of sharps injuries among nurses is correlated with both organizational characteristics and specific individual factors of the nurses, such as scarcity of material and personnel resources, lack of knowledge and training, stress, and emotional exhaustion. The most common accidents involve needles, ampoules, and catheters. Effective measures to prevent sharps injuries among nurses should be taken. The implementation of efficient notification systems where nurses can report accidents is a measure that should be developed and properly monitored in healthcare institutions. It is understood, therefore, that nurse managers and healthcare administrators play fundamental roles in the development of better working conditions, with an emphasis on creating safe environments and implementing continuing education programs that enable nurses to learn and update information on prevention measures and safe use of materials and equipment.
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    The influence of nursing teamwork on the quality of care
    (IKSAD Publishing House, 2024) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira; Baran, Mehmet Fırat; Altuntaş, Arzu; Seydoşoğlu, Seyithan
    Nursing is a profession inherently linked to teamwork. Collaboration and coordination among nursing team members impact the quality of care provided in healthcare institutions. This review aimed to analyze and discuss the influence of nursing teamwork on the quality of care. It is an integrative review. The search for original articles of primary research was conducted in the second week of February 2024, in the Scopus database. The review was guided by the following question: “What is the literature’s perspective on the influence of nursing teamwork on the quality of care?” The terms used were: “nursing,” “teamwork,” and “care.” Original research articles published in English in scientific journals within the last 10 years, including nurses as participants, whose full texts were available online, and that met the review’s objectives were included. Initially, 14 articles were found, of which six were included in this review. The selected articles were assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). It was identified that the way nursing teams work varies according to the department; however, nursing teamwork always impacts the quality of care, regardless of the sector. It was also observed that role and function ambiguities, difficulties in adapting to changes, exhausting work schedules, poor communication, professional training failures, inadequate leadership styles and nursing shortages are among the obstacles to forming cohesive nursing teams. In conclusion, nursing professionals should receive education to work as a team. Additionally, nurse managers play fundamental roles in developing healthy work environments that promote the formation and maintenance of cohesive nursing teams. It is important to note that the leadership styles adopted by nurse managers guide the attitudes of other team members, as nurse managers are role models for their followers. Thus, collaboration, effective communication, and coordination among nursing team members are strongly influenced by nurse managers.
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    Subjective well-being, mental health enhancing knowledge level, and related factors in adolescents
    (The Psychiatric Nurses Association, 2024) Adıgüzel, Vesile; Mercan, Neşe; Çoşkun, Sabahat; Özcan, Celale Tangül
    INTRODUCTION: The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between adolescents' subjective well-being, their level of knowledge enhancing mental health, and related factors. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 387 students between June 2021 and December 2021. Data were collected from the Sociodemographic Characteristics Collection Form, the Adolescent Subjective Well-Being Scale (ASWS), and the Mental Health Improvement Information Scale (MHİİS). Number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values ​​in the descriptive analysis of the data; In comparative/relational analyzes, Spearman correlation test, Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests were used because the variables did not conform to normal distribution. RESULTS: The ages of the students participating in the study are between 14-21, 74.7% of them are girls and 68.7% of them are high school students. It was determined that there was a positive and significant relationship between the MHİİS score and the scores of ASWS and the sub-dimensions of the scale: satisfaction in family relationships, satisfaction in relationships with important people, life satisfaction and positive emotions (p<.000). It was determined that there was a significant difference between the total score of ASWS and demographic data such as gender, education status, income status, being diagnosed with a mental illness, receiving mental support, and being diagnosed with a mental illness in the family. It was determined that there was a significant difference between the total score of MHİİS and the variables of educational status, educational status of parents, being diagnosed with a mental illness, receiving mental support, and being diagnosed with a mental illness in the family. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In the study, it was determined that there was a positive and significant relationship between the mental health promoting knowledge level of adolescents and their subjective well-being.
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    Trends and developmental process of publications on nursing ethics: A bibliometric analysis
    (Türkiye Sağlık Enstitüleri Başkanlığı, 2024) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira
    This study aimed to analyse the current knowledge structure of publications on nursing ethics and determine the developmental process through a bibliometric analysis. This is a retrospective descriptive study. Data were gathered on September 26, 2022, from the Web of Science (WoS) and analysed using Excel and VOSviewer programs. Studies were searched by title using the following descriptors: “nurse” and “ethics”. A total of 467 studies published between 1977 and 2021 and authored by 785 individuals were examined. Approximately 73.6% of these publications were original articles, and a significant majority (95.1%) were published in English. Studies were from 52 countries and 99 distinct journals. Leading the pack in terms of productivity was the United States (n= 154). The primary keywords utilized across these studies included “ethics,” “nursing,” “nursing ethics,” “code of ethics,” and “education.” Moreover, the emergence of “COVID-19” as a prevalent keyword was observed in studies published from 2020 onwards. Nursing spans a wide array of topics, with a significant focus on imparting ethical values, a subject extensively deliberated within the realm of scientific literature. This study gives an idea about the performance of research and publications on nursing ethics. Ethics principles are essential in providing quality care, in addition to being fundamental for the appreciation of the nursing profession. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new ethical dilemmas to the nursing profession. As nursing ethics will never be a saturated or outdated topic, it is important to encourage research on ethics in the field of nursing.
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    Nurses’ perceptions of patient safety and errors in nursing practice: A qualitative study
    (Gümüşhane University, 2024) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira
    Despite all the advances in the healthcare sector, many adverse events that threaten patient safety still occur. Among these errors are those involving nursing. The study aimed to explore nurses’ perceptions regarding patient safety and errors in nursing practice. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. An online, open-ended questionnaire was used. A total of 47 nurses from various healthcare institutions in different regions of Brazil took part in the study. Qualitative content analysis was carried out. Five themes were identified: (1) most common errors made during nursing practice; (2) feelings regarding errors that can occur during nursing practice; (3) measures taken to prevent errors during nursing practice; (4) actions taken after errors occurred during nursing practice, and (5) reasons for errors during nursing practice. The obtained results highlight that errors in medication administration, patient identification, patient mobilization, hand hygiene, and nursing documentation require special attention. Barriers caused by inadequate working conditions, poor communication, deficiencies in academic education, lack of in-service training and distractions were identified as reasons for errors in nursing practice. Administrators of educational and healthcare institutions, along with nursing educators and managers, play essential roles in developing strategies to prevent errors in nursing practice.
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    Influence of nurses’ empowerment on quality care: A comprehensive study of the literature
    (Australasian College of Health Service Management, 2024) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira
    Background: The empowerment of nurses is a fundamental strategy for patient safety and consequently, for the success of health institutions. This review aimed to identify in the scientific literature the influence of nurses’ empowerment on the quality of care. Methods: An integrative review of literature, in which the PRISMA guidelines were followed, was completed. Articles were evaluated using the Joanna Briggs Institute (2020) Critical Appraisal Tools. The search for primary research articles was carried out in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. Data were analyzed using content analysis methods. Results: Twelve studies were identified and included in this review. Three themes emerged: (1) the relationship between nurses’ empowerment and quality of care; (2) opportunities and challenges of implementing empowerment in nursing; and (3) recommendations for the empowerment of nurses. Conclusion: Empowerment should be encouraged from college education and maintained in health institutions through continuing education and improvement of working conditions that allow nurses to provide efficient and effective care.
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    Use and effectiveness of innovative virtual reality application in teaching fetal development : A randomized controlled trial
    (Wolters Kluwer Health, 2024) Aydın Doğan, Reyhan; Yazıcı, Saadet
    Virtual reality-based training is effective. It is increasingly used by multiple disciplines to develop observation and critical skills, including engineering, education, arts, and health. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the application created with Fetal Development Application Created by Virtual Reality Technology, which was developed to teach fetal development. The study was conducted in a single-blind, randomized fashion. Undergraduate midwifery students who took normal pregnancy lessons and learned fetal development were included. Eighty-four students were included in the experimental (n = 42) and control (n = 42) groups. Before the training, a personal information form and a pretest were applied to both groups. After the pretest, the experimental group received Fetal Development Application Created by Virtual Reality Technology, and the control group received 2 hours of theory training. Posttest was applied to both groups 6 weeks after the application. Preintervention scores were similar for the two groups. The posttest score of the experimental group was statistically significant compared with that of the control group (P < .05). The mean cognitive load score of the experimental group was 1.09 ± 0.29, and the application did not create a cognitive load. The innovative application of Fetal Development Application Created by Virtual Reality Technology is an effective and applicable method in teaching fetal development in midwifery education.
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    Afetlerde kriz durumu ve yönetimi
    (Türkiye Klinikleri, 2023) Sipahi, Aslı Zeynep; Özcan, Celale Tangül; Keskin, Gülseren
    İnsanlığın varoluşundan bu yana afetler, toplumu oluşturan bireylerin süregiden yaşamını ciddi kesintiye uğratarak bireylerin yaşam dengelerinin bozulduğu krizleri barındıran, kritik dönemler olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Afetlerin olumsuz sonuçları çevresel, ekonomik, sosyal ve psikolojik boyutlarda gerçekleşmektedir. Afetlerde kriz durumunda bireylerin ve toplumun yaşadıkları sorunların çözümünde kullandıkları eski baş etme mekanizmaları yetersiz kalır, anksiyete ve çaresizlik gibi zorlayıcı duygular yaşanır. Bu dönemde en çok ihtiyaç duyulan yetkinlik kriz yönetimidir. Etkin kriz yönetimi için öncelikle afet psikolojisi iyi bilinmelidir. Afet sonrası kriz yaşayan bireylere hızlı, etkin ve dinamik bir yardım sunulmalıdır. Kriz etkin yönetilebildiği takdirde bireyler bu süreçten yeni baş etme becerileri kazanarak çıkabileceklerdir. Kriz yönetimi ile ilgili kazanılan deneyim kişiye gelişme şansı tanıyabilir. Krizin iyi yönetilemediği durumlarda ise bireyler farklı düzeylerde olumsuz ruh sağlığı sonuçlarıyla karşı karşıya kalırlar. Kriz yönetimi afetten etkilenen bireylerin içinde bulundukları güç dönemden ustalıkla çıkmasına yardım ederek bu kişilerin eskisinden daha olgun bir düzeye gelmelerini sağlayabilecek nitelikte bir yardımdır.
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    Practical health education experiences of nursing students: Qualitative research
    (Istanbul University Press, 2024) Aydoğdu, Ana Luiza Ferreira; Akbulak, Fatma; Dişbudak, Büşra
    Objective: The study aimed to explore the experiences, expectations, and suggestions of undergraduate nursing students regarding a health education seminar on technology addiction. Method: This is a qualitative descriptive study. A convenience sample of undergraduate nursing students who had organized and actively participated in a health education seminar about Technology Addiction conducted in a public high school in Istanbul was asked to participate in the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six nursing students in the fifth semester of a four-year nursing degree program who were accepted to participate in the study. Thematic content analysis was used. Results: Two themes; (1) Reflections on the health education seminar and (2) Reflections on the role of nurses as health educators, and seven sub-themes were identified: seminar preparation process, feelings regarding practice as a nurse educator, raising community awareness, preparation for the future, difficulties in working as a group, importance of the nurse’s role as an educator and deficiencies in health education in nursing practice. Conclusion: The health education seminar on technology addiction not only revealed challenges but also had significant positive impacts on the academic and professional development of nursing students. The emphasized positive effects underscore the ongoing importance of innovative educational initiatives that not only address contemporary health challenges but also promote the personal and professional growth of future nurses.