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    Pamuğun ipliğe dönüşümü: BİSKA Tekstil San. ve Tic. A. Ş.
    (Gazi Kitabevi, 2024) Ercan, Cuma; Dikmen, Beyhan Beller; Şensoy, Necdet; Şensoy, Fatma; Yücel, Göksel; Kurt, Ganite; Adiloğlu, Burcu
    İşletme Hakkında Genel Bilgi BİSKA Tekstil, Burhan Kaplan tarafından 1997 yılında Gaziantep'te kurulmuştur. Burhan Kaplan, sektördeki çırçır ve pamuk ticaretindeki birikimlerini ring iplik üretimi ile hayata geçirmiştir. İşletme, kurulduğu günden itibaren benimsediği kalite politikası sayesinde hızlı adımlarla büyüyen ve kapasitesini arttıran bir konuma gelmiştir. İşletme, 1997 yılında 1 üretim tesisi ile faaliyete başlamış ve bugün tesis sayısını 5'e çıkarmıştır. Bunlardan 4'ü Gaziantep Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde (ring iplikleri üretiliyor), l'i ise Niğde Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde (Open End) faaliyet göstermektedir. 105 Bin m² kapalı alana sahip olan BİSKA Tekstil'in tüm tesislerinde toplam 600 kişi çalışmaktadır.
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    Göçmen girişimciliği: Teşvikler, zorluklar ve zorunluluklar
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2024) Şensoy, Fatma; Balcı, Yusuf; Arslan, Hüseyin; Buzunoğlu, Güllü
    Göçmen girişimciler, yabancı bir ülkede kendi işlerini kuran girişimcilerdir. Göçmen girişimciler, göç ettikleri ülkelerde daha evvel göç eden ve aynı kökenden gelen yerleşmiş kişilerle bireysel iletişimlerini kullanarak kendi işlerini kurmaktadırlar. Tüm dünya coğrafyasını etkileyen savaşlar, kıtlıklar, doğal afetler, iklim değişikliği, küreselleşme… gibi pek çok nedenle oluşan böylesi bir yer değiştirme faaliyeti ülke ekonomilerini derinden etkilemektedir. Göçler, ekonomik, sosyal, kültürel ve toplumsal yapılar üzerinde değiştirici ve şekillendirici etkiye sahiptir. Aynı etkiyi, göçmen girişimciler de göstermektedir. Çünkü göçmen girişimciler birçok ülkede istihdamı arttırarak ekonomik ve sosyal gelişmeye katkıda bulunmaktadırlar. Göçmen girişimciliğininekonomik, sosyal, kültürel etkileri oldukça önemlidir. Yapılan araştırmalar, verilen örnekler ve bu olguyu açıklayan kuramlar bu etkileşimi vermektedir. Göçmen girişimcilerin, geldikleri ülke ve anavatanları hakkında sahip oldukları görüşleri ve tecrübeleri ile küreselleşmeye ve uluslararası ticarete sağladıkları katkı yadsınamaz. Bununla birlikte göçmen girişimcilerin istihdamın ve refahın artmasındaki katkıları açıktır. Irksal ayrımcılık, göçmenlerin çalıştıkları kurumlarda uygun iş imkânının olmaması, eğitim ve lisan eksikliği gibi dışsal güçler göçmenleri girişimciliğe yönlendirmede etkilidir. İş bulma konusunda yaşadıkları sorunlar ve karşılaştıkları kısıtlamalar nedeniyle pek çok göçmen, böylesi bir zorunluluk ile kendi işini kurma yani girişimciliği tercih etmektedir. Sosyal, yasal, maddi ve politik kısıtlamalar ise konumuz açısından göçmen girişimcilerin karşılaştıkları zorlukları göstermektedir. Osmanlı’nın girişimci göçmenlerinden Silikon Vadisi’nin girişimci göçmenlerinin örnekleri ile girişimcilik ekosistemine katkıları üzerinden betimsel bir çalışma yapılacaktır.
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    The impact of transformational leadership and digital literacy on innovation capability: Mediating role of organizational culture for innovation
    (Gomal University, 2024) Liaqat, Muhammad Mohsen; ur-Rehman, Sana; Ullah, Hafiz Ahmed
    The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of transformational leadership &digital literacy of leaders on innovation capacity of organization while considering mediating effect of organizational culture for innovation. The data were collected from thesample of manufacturing SME’s leaders and employees using a structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. The study finds that transformational leadership &digital literacy positively influence the innovation capability. Nevertheless, organizational culture for innovation was determined to mediate this relationship and to enhance diverseeffects of transformational leadership &digital literacy on innovationoutcomes. These observations focusthe need for refiningorganizational culture that supports creativity and innovation, andenhancing leadership skills and digital literacy of leaders for organizationalinnovation. This study adds to existing literature on leadership, digital literacy, organizational culture &innovation capability, providing guidance for managers and policymakers about the research issues so as toenhance innovation efforts within their organizationstoward desired success
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    Nexuses between leadership dynamics & employees’engagement: Mediating role of self-efficacy
    (Gomal University, 2024) Liaqat, Muhammad Mohsen; Sair, Shrafat Ali; ul Hassan, Anees
    The primary aim of this research is to investigate the effect of despotic and transformational leadership on employee engagement through mediating role of self-efficacyas the researchers used quantitative research methods. The population of this research includes managerial-level employees of the banking sector in Pakistan.The sample-size of the current study was 350 managerial-level employees working in the conventional banks in Pakistan. The researcher used a questionnaire to collect data from respondents. The findings indicated that despotic leadership has a significant and negative effect on employee engagement. Furthermore, the findings indicated that transformational leadership has significant and positive effect on employee engagement. Moreover, the self-efficacy mediates the relationshipbetween despotic leadership &employee engagement. Lastly, self-efficacy mediates relationship amidtransformational leadership andemployee engagement. The findings of study are consistent with the findings of previous research and have implications for managers and other relevant stakeholdersalong with certin clues for future researchers for revisiting the research issues in different contexts.
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    Dijitalleşmenin etkisinde insan kaynakları uygulamaları, çalışanların yetkinlikleri ve iyi oluş halleri
    (Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2024) Yalırsu, Hazal Yaren; Ulukaya, Hazel; Gök, Sibel; Başaran, Altan
    İnsan kaynakları yönetimi, teknolojik gelişmelerle birlikte dijitalleşme sürecinden etkilenmektedir. Dijitalleşen insan kaynakları uygulamaları, işlerin daha hızlı, hatasız ve efektif yapılmasına imkan tanımasının yanı sıra insan kaynakları çalışanlarından ve yöneticilerinden beklenen yetkinliklerde değişime yol açmakta ve çalışanların iyi oluş hallerini de etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmada, örgütlerde dijitalleşen insan kaynakları uygulamalarını tespit etmek; dijital dönüşüm sürecindeki insan kaynakları çalışanlarında aranan yetkinlikleri ve bu yetkinliklerdeki değişimleri incelemek; dijital dönüşümün çalışanların iyi oluş halleri üzerindeki etkilerini ortaya koymak amaçlanmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda nitel araştırma yöntemiyle İstanbul ilinde çeşitli sektörlerde görev yapan 40 insan kaynakları çalışanı ve yöneticisiyle derinlemesine görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre insan kaynakları uygulamalarındaki dijital dönüşümün oldukça sınırlı olduğu ve çalışanlarda aranan yetkinliklerden, teknik yetkinliklerin en çok ön plana çıktığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, dijital dönüşümle birlikte uzaktan çalışmanın, iyi oluş halini bir yandan çalışanların işlerini kolaylaştırması ve zaman tasarrufu sağlaması nedeniyle olumlu etkilediği diğer yandan esnek çalışma saatlerini artırması ve yüz yüze iletişimi azaltması nedeniyle de olumsuz etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Dijitalleşen insan kaynakları uygulamalarının tespitine, bu süreçte aranan yetkinliklerin öneminin vurgulanmasına ve dijitalleşme sürecinin çalışanların iyi oluş hallerini etkileyen durumların belirlenmesine yönelik ulusal literatürde bir çalışmaya rastlanmamış olması nedeniyle bu çalışmanın literatüre katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir.
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    The role of technology management capabilities in building organizational resilience capacity and product innovativeness: Evidence from the Turkish ICT industry
    (IEEE, 2024) Gemici, Evrim; Alpkan, Lutfihak; Giglio, Carlo
    The aim of this paper is to explore if technology management capabilities (TMC) lead to more resilient and innovative firms. As resilience is a desired attribute for firms in today’s disruptive business world, in this paper, taking the dynamic capabilities view, we argue the mediating role of organizational resilience capacity (ORC) between TMC and product innovativeness. We also explore the role of technological turbulence in moderating the relationship between TMC and ORC. By developing and testing hypotheses via partial least squares structural equation modeling with SmartPLS 3, we collect data through a self-administered questionnaire from 192 firms operating in the Turkish information and communications technologies (ICT) industry. The results show that the capacity for resilience mediated the relationship between TMC and product innovativeness and technological turbulence moderated the relationship between TMC and ORC. This first study of the literature to investigate the role of ORC in the relationship between TMC and product innovativeness also seeks to understand whether TMC help organizations build the capacity for resilience. This study also examines the impact of technological turbulence, which is one of the important contextual factors in the relationship between TMC and ORC.
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    İktisat okullarının maliye politikası yaklaşımları
    (Gazi Kitabevi, 2023) Yılmaz, Ekrem; Şensoy, Fatma; Altuntepe, Nihat; Balıbey, Mesut
    Maliye, bir ülkenin veya kuruluşun gelirlerini yönetme, harcamalarını denetleme ve ekonomik kaynakların etkin bir biçimde dağıtılmasını sağlama süreci olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu disiplin, modem ekonomilerin temel yapı taşlarından biri olup, devletlerin ekonomik politikalarını belirlemesinde kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Maliye alanındaki düşünce ve yaklaşımlar, iktisadi ve sosyal yapıyı şekillendirirken, ekonomik büyüme, gelir dağılımı, kamu harcamaları, vergi politikaları ve kamu borç yönetimi gibi temel konuları ele almaktadır. İktisadi düzenlemeler ve kamu politikalarının merkezinde yer alan maliye disiplini, iktisatçılar, akademisyenler ve politika yapıcılar için sürekli bir ilgi odağı olmuştur.
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    Coopetition and non-profit performance in war-torn region: Role of outside knowledge and innovative climate
    (Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2023) Gulshan, Bella; Liaqat, Muhammad Mohsen
    The inconsistent findings on the association between non-profit coopetition and performance are complicated and contingent on essential factors. However, our current understanding of the circumstances under which non-profit coopetition matters to performance is limited. We take a novel context to address this question and build on the combined literature from the emerging non-profit coopetition literature. This study conceptualises and tests the impact of coopetition (simultaneous cooperation and competition) on the organisational performance of non-profit organisations in a war-torn region. Notably, it investigates the simultaneous cooperation and competition in non-profits’ social and financial performance via outside knowledge and innovative climate. An in-person survey with 158 executives and board members was conducted in Baghdad Governorate, Iraq. The survey adopted reliable and valid scales to measure the variables. Structural equation modelling was applied to test the mediation model. The proposed sequential mediating model has a good model fit with all four hypotheses statistically significant. Nonprofit engagement in coopetition positively affects organisation performance via mediators: use of outside knowledge and innovative climate. Cooperation with competitors helps non-profits to effectively use the outside knowledge that forms an innovative climate at the organisational level. Additionally, the use of outside knowledge has a direct effect on performance. Non-profits should integrate outside and internal knowledge to generate sustainable financial and social performance opportunities, especially in turbulent or war-torn regions. Moreover, context is imperative for non-profit leaders to identify themselves and seek inter-organisational relationships. The study also provides theoretical and practical implications that help non-profit leaders innovate and increase organisational performance.
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    Psikolojik sermaye ve duygusal emeğin örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışıyla ilişkisinde sosyal zekânın düzenleyici rolü
    (Fenerbahce Univesity, 2023) Yalırsu, Hazal Yaren; Bülbül, Seçil
    İnsan kaynağının taklit edilemez niteliği, örgütlerin özellikle rekabet ortamında en önemli kaynaklarını meydana getirmektedir. Hizmet sektöründe görülen artış beraberinde duygusal emek gösterimlerini artırmıştır. Çalışanların duygusal emeklerinin yanı sıra diğer davranışları da örgütün temsilinde ve başarısında rol oynamaktadır. Günümüzde çalışanların davranışları kadar sahip oldukları kapasitelerin de ne kadar önemli olduğu literatürde çeşitli çalışmalarda gösterilmektedir. Psikolojik sermaye ve sosyal zekâ kapasiteleri çalışanların önemli kapasiteleri arasında yer almaktadır. Bu doğrultuda yapılan yüksek lisans tez çalışmasında duygusal emek ile psikolojik sermayenin örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışıyla ilişkisi ve bu ilişkilerdeki sosyal zekânın düzenleyici rolü incelenmiştir. Çalışmada 449 çalışandan elde edilen demografik bilgiler, duygusal emek, psikolojik sermaye, örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı ve sosyal zekâ ölçekleri verileri analiz edilmiştir. Bu veriler ile korelasyon, regresyon, düzenleyici etki, bağımsız gruplar T-Testi ve tek yönlü ANOVA analizleri uygulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak psikolojik sermaye ve örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı arasında pozitif yönde istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca duygusal emek ile örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı arasında da pozitif yönde istatiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmanın devamında duygusal emek ile örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı arasındaki ilişkide negatif yönde istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir düzenleyici etki gözlenirken, psikolojik sermaye ile örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı arasındaki ilişkide sosyal zekânın düzenleyici rolü tespit edilememiştir.
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    Reassessment of the todaro paradox: An extended panel data analysis on developing countries
    (Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2023) Yılmaz, Ekrem; Şensoy, Fatma
    This paper empirically analyzes the Todaro Paradox for eight developing countries for the period from 1992 to 2019. Having different data characteristics, we apply three different panel approaches (Fixed Effect, Random Effect, and Full Modified Ordinary Least Square) by using distinct models. Our findings from different models depict that the Todaro Paradox is valid for the sample economies. Specifically, we observe a negative relationship between the price level ratio of purchasing power parity conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate and urban population contrary to the price level ratio of the purchasing power parity conversion factor (GDP) to the market exchange rate – rural population nexus. Thanks to obtaining these links, we apply the third empirical model to verify the Todaro Paradox. The analysis of the price level ratio of the purchasing power parity conversion factor (GDP) to the market exchange rate and total unemployment in the urban population provides strong evidence for the validity of this paradox. Deviated from the previous literature, this paper applies the price level ratio of the purchasing power parity conversion factor (GDP) to the market exchange rate since the higher the purchasing power parity of a country, the lower the rate of rural-urban migration is expected. By using one extra variable (unemployment), we test the Todaro Paradox. This combination of variables as well as different panel techniques (Fixed Effect, Random Effect, and Full Modified Ordinary Least Square) allow us to draw more robust conclusions. To address the challenges posed by rural-urban migration, policies should be designed to promote sustainable development in both urban and rural areas. This can include measures to create employment opportunities and improve the quality of life in both areas, as well as policies to regulate migration and manage the pressures caused by rapid urbanization.
  • Yayın
    The foundation process of the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye
    (Springer, 2023) Şensoy, Fatma; Yılmaz, Ekrem; Tunca Çalıyurt, Kıymet
    Central banks are one of the most important financial institutions that carry out the financing transactions of the state administrations. Central banks are institutions that produce money on behalf of the state and carry out monetary policies. The need for resources for war financing by governments has been influential in the establishment of central banks as joint stock companies in the world. The process, which is pointed out by the reasons why a central bank was not established or could not be established in the Ottoman Empire, clearly reveals the purpose of the establishment of the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye. In the historical development process, the Bank's basic duties and functions and its importance in the country's economy are clear. The duties of central banks have followed an increasing course throughout history. Unlike other banks, they were established to serve the public interest, not for profit. This study consists of two parts. In the first, the developments that prepared the establishment of the Central Bank will be examined together with the changes in the economic structure that started in the middle of the nineteenth Century in the Ottoman Empire. In the first years of the Republic, the Central Bank of Türkiye was established as a mixed-structured joint stock company with the law numbered 1715 on June 11, 1930, as a result of the search for a Central bank alongside the Turkish Economy and the Ottoman Bank, and the search for solutions that continued with the 1929 crisis. Laws and regulations enacted in 1970, 1983, 1990, 1999, and 2001 are excluded from this research. In the second part, the contribution of the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye to the economic development of the country, as mentioned in its establishment purpose, will be examined through the financial reports of the first 5 years in the process starting from 1932. 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, and 1937 year-end reports and balance sheets and profit-loss account data will be expressed descriptively. The traces of the statist economic policy implemented in Türkiye will be shown by the monetary policy instruments implemented by the CBRT. In the period when a sound monetary and balanced budget policy is followed, there are no movements that will cause money and credit expansion.
  • Yayın
    Latent social value: why it matters for sustainable development goals?
    (Efe Academy Publishing, 2023) Liaqat, Muhammad Mohsen; Demiryürek, Kürşat; Kawamorita, Hiroko
    Social entrepreneurship has been quickly evolving in academics and practice. The diverse nature of the problems and geographies entails continuous opportunities to enhance social wealth. However, there have been strong disagreements among scholars and practitioners on definitional boundaries, dimensions, and how to identify social entrepreneurs (Santos, 2012, Zahra et al., 2009). It has become a large tent (Martin & Osberg, 2007) that shelters various perspectives to contribute to social value. Interestingly, the scatteredness of the concept is beneficial for scholarly contribution and human development. On the other hand, the institutions’ role is essential to determine who is a social entrepreneur—it will critically distinguish design and management issues. Although global institutes manage the growth of social entrepreneurship based on their defined criteria, it is pertinent to note that institutions differ across countries and regions. Moreover, the differences in social problems, available resources, and political, economic, cultural, and geopolitical environments impact specific development efforts.
  • Yayın
    Latent social impact: rethinking the next phase of social entrepreneurship
    (2023) Liaqat, Muhammad Mohsen; Gulshan, Bella
    Social entrepreneurship models have been successfully addressing pressing social problems across the world. The efforts emphasise creating new social start-ups and supporting mature social enterprises. The self-positioning of social entrepreneurs is the foremost criterion to have all kinds of assistance despite their ability to create social value for local communities. This paper relates the Manifest and Latent Functions of value-creating entrepreneurs and proposes that unintended consequences (social value) of intended actions (entrepreneurial activity) are as stable as social entrepreneur identity and structure. In essence, in order to move the theory and practice forward, we need to use new theories that clarify the nature of social entrepreneurship in developing countries, explain the role of value-driven entrepreneurs in the economic system, and inform the research and practice that value-creating entrepreneurs who do not exhibit 'social mission' but are significantly creating a social impact.
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    Do corruption and inequality shape sustainable development? Evidence from the post-soviet countries
    (Emerald Publishing, 2024) Badur, Muhammet Mesut; Yılmaz, Ekrem; Şensoy, Fatma
    Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the role of corruption and income inequality in three-dimensional sustainable development in the post-Soviet countries. Design/methodology/approach – The methodology is based on dynamic panel regression with the fixed effects approach. Findings – The authors’ findings depict that increasing corruption and income inequality undermine sustainable development. Specifically, increasing corruption and income inequality negatively affect sustainable development. Moreover, unemployment and trade liberalization negatively impact sustainable development, whereas foreign direct investments (FDIs) positively affect sustainable development. Practical implications – Policy implications enclose galvanizing strong institutions and redistributive policy mechanisms that the bottom income groups enjoy in promoting sustainable development to keep away the distressful phase of corruption and income inequality. Originality/value – This is the first paper on corruption, income inequality and sustainable development in the post-Soviet countries employing a sustainable development index (SDI), which is calculated by considering three factors including economic, social and environmental development.
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    Mainstream economics’ war with the environment: counter-critiques from heterodox economics and Islamic economics
    (Emerald Publishing, 2024) Yılmaz, Ekrem; Deymencioglu, Güler; Ataş, Mehmet; Şensoy, Fatma
    Purpose This study aims to present the perspectives of heterodox economics and Islamic economics on environmental economics, as an alternative to mainstream economics, which takes economic growth as its main objective and argues that environmental problems will largely disappear when economic growth is achieved. Design/methodology/approach In this study, there was no intention to conduct a detailed analysis of heterodox economic models and Islamic economics. Instead, the approaches to the “environment,” which can be considered as an urgent need of the planet, were evaluated, and the inadequate proposals of the mainstream economics’ environmental approach were theoretically criticized and heterodox economics and Islamic economics were proposed as an alternative model. Findings Heterodox and Islamic economics offer alternative models of development prioritizing social and ecological justice to address environmental problems, which is in contrast to mainstream economics’ narrow focus on market mechanisms and individual rationality. Thus, engaging in more dialogue in the context of the environment is inevitable for both schools, considering the vast geography inhabited by Muslims and the proposed heterodox economic policies, and moreover, these approaches are modeled for the first time. Originality/value This article presents a synthesis of Islamic economics and heterodox thinking in contrast to mainstream economic policy, highlighting their similarities and differences and providing a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities and potential solutions of environmental problems. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this approach has not been previously explored, making it an original contribution to the literature.
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    Dijital dönüşümde insan kaynakları yönetimi ve COVID-19 etkileri
    (Kocaeli Üniversitesi, 2022) Yalırsu, Hazal Yaren; Agun, Hazel
    Dijitalleşme, bilgileri teknolojik araçlar tarafından depolanabilen ve iş akışlarına dahil edilecek şekilde verilere dönüştürebilme ve dijital ortama aktarabilme yeteneğidir. Dijital dönüşümden en çok etkilenen işletme fonksiyonlarından biri insan kaynakları yönetimidir (İKY). Bu bağlamda dijital İKY, İKY politika ve uygulamalarında dijital ortamların kullanılması olarak ifade edilmektedir. Dijitalleşme uluslararası büyük ölçekli işletmelerde hem önemli hem de zorlayıcı bir unsur olmakla beraber, COVID19 salgını gibi belirsizlik dönemlerinde dijital uygulamalar hem dünyada hem ülkemizde tüm ölçekteki işletmelerin de zorunlu bir unsuru haline gelmeye başlamıştır. Bu nedenle araştırmanın amacı, dijital dönüşümde İKY’de gerçekleşen değişimler ile örgütlerde dijitalleşen İKY uygulamalarını tespit etmek ve COVID-19’un etkilerini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu etkileri açıklayabilmek için çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak, derinlemesine mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, amaçlı örnekleme dayalı olarak, İstanbul’da farklı sektörlerde görev alan yirmi insan kaynakları yöneticisi ve uzmanı oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma bulguları betimsel analiz yaklaşımı ele alınarak tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, dijital dönüşümün İKY etkisine ilişkin bulgular sırasıyla; operasyonel ve ilişkisel e-iky, e-arşiv, uzaktan çalışma modeli, iş süreçlerini kolaylaştırma, yeşil İKY, artan mesai saatleri, sanal toplantılar ve yeni sunum teknikleri olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, bordro-özlük işleri, eğitim, seçme-yerleştirme, performans değerlendirme, kariyer ve yetenek yönetimi fonksiyonlarının dijital İKY uygulamaları olduğu tespit edilmiştir. COVID-19 sürecinin dijital İKY uygulamalarına etkisi ise; zorunlu dijital uygulamalara geçişi hızlandırması, e-iletişim, geleneksel ofis ortamının değişmesi, hibrid çalışma modeli ve sanal eğitimlerin zorunlu hale gelmesi olarak sınıflandırılmaktadır. Pandemi sürecinde dijital İKY düzenlemeleri ele alındığında sırasıyla; biçimsel ve biçimsel olmayan sanal iletişim, belirli bir düzenleme olmaması, COVID-19 bilgilendirme epostaları, yan haklar, ek online eğitim ve e-aktivite düzenlemeleri yapıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuçta, İKY dijital ortama taşınmış ancak yapay zeka ve robotik süreçlerin İKY üzerinde etkisi daha az görülmüştür. Pandemi süreci, dijital İKY tarafını en çok e-iletişim ve zorunlu dijital ortama geçiş olarak etkilemiştir. Bu bağlamda, pandemi ile işletmelerin İKY yapısında dijital dönüşümü hızlı ve çok yönlü gerçekleştirmesi gerektiği söylenebilir
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    Digital twin: Is it hype?
    (Springer, 2023) Göksoy, Aslı; Yalırsu, Hazal Yaren; Vayvay, Özalp; Vardarlıer, Pelin
    The purpose of this chapter is to explain the improvements in digital and human digital twins in practice and to emphasize their importance and necessity in today’s highly competitive business environment. Simply, a digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical object or system that spans its life cycle, is updated from real-time data, and uses simulation, machine learning, and reasoning to help decision-making. The digital twin can be used in everything from the human body to an entire city. In this context, using descriptive analysis, a literature review was conducted. Based on our findings, twin digital proved to be one of the top strategic technology trends of our time with numerous benefits for corporations from reducing costs to increasing growth opportunities, the digital twin is an active agent in value creation, and the applications of digital twins are constantly expanding. As organizations continue to recognize the value of digital twins, we can expect the use of digital twins to evolve and grow.
  • Yayın
    Investigating the causal relationship between renewable energy consumption and life expectancy in Turkey: A Toda-Yamamoto causality test
    (Econometric Research Association, 2023) Yılmaz, Ekrem; Şensoy, Fatma
    This study examines the causal relationship between renewable energy consumption and life expectancy in Turkey using the Toda-Yamamoto causality test. By analyzing data from 1990 to 2019, the study explores the relationship between these variables. The results of the Toda-Yamamoto causality test indicate that there is no Granger causality relationship from renewable energy consumption to life expectancy, indicating that renewable energy consumption does not have a significant impact on life expectancy in Turkey. However, the study finds a Granger causality relationship from life expectancy to renewable energy consumption, suggesting that improving life expectancy could lead to an increase in renewable energy consumption in Turkey. This study is significant as it provides insights into the relationship between renewable energy consumption and life expectancy in Turkey. The results highlight the importance of considering factors other than renewable energy consumption when examining public health outcomes. The study's findings can inform policymakers in developing energy policies that prioritize public health outcomes and promote sustainable energy practices.
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    Economics and ethics: Conflict or adaptation?
    (Peter Lang GmbH, 2023) Şensoy, Fatma; Yılmaz, Engin; Konuk Kandemir, Nebiye
    Economy and ethics have come face to face many times in the historical process. These encounters are often shaped by discussions about how to act together. However, these discussions can generally be evaluated in terms of the restriction of the economy with the concept of ethics, and this naturally created an atmosphere of conflict. These debates are shaped around topics such as; economic growth and environmental protection, efficiency and equality, globalization and fair trade, profit maximization and human rights, financial success and solidarity, competition and the public, decent work and personal responsibility, self-interest, and social regaining harmony.
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    Crowdsourcing in social media: The crowd wisdom or madness
    (2022) Akpınar, Sercan; Deniz, Ali; Toros, Hüseyin; Of, Mustafa; Kılıçaslan, İsmail
    With the emergence of social media, many of them became the main playground for marketers because of offering easy access to people, immediate feedbacks, and opportunity to create a community. On the other hand, creative individuals also have a chance to be a part of the game via special tools that they can realize their innovative ideas for solving the problems or issues. Classical businesses use social media as a tool to promote their product, market research and communicate with their customers for promotions and sales. However, the competition is getting harder, so companies need more than that. As a result of this, modern companies use social media efficiently to benefit the wisdom of the crowd on production and creation of new product and services. The concept “crowdsourcing” is born because of these needs and wants. However, can we trust society on our business? Crowdsourcing might have benefits; however, on what circumstances it gives the best result? Crowds can be trustful on the other hand can it be mad as well? On this paper, usage of crowdsourcing is qualitatively analyzed by asking the question of “Is the crowd wise or mad and how it helps to companies to increase their benefits? “